Vide is valid Scrabble Word

Is vide a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is vide valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for VIDE in dictionary:

Words related to VIDE


Words that contain VIDE

video9 avider10 divide11 videos10 avidest11 divided13 divider12 divides12 evident11 livider11 provide13 videnda12 videoed12 vidette11 vivider14 dividend14 dividers13 evidence14 evidents12 fervider15 lividest12 provided15 provider14 provides14 redivide13 videndum15 videocam16 videofit15 videoing13 videotex19 videttes12 vividest15 dividedly18 dividends15 evidenced16 evidences15 evidently16 fervidest16 misdivide16 provident15 providers15 redivided15 redivides14 subdivide16 undivided15 unprovide15 videlicet15 videocams17 videodisc16 videodisk18 videofits16 videogram16 videoland14 videotape15 videotext20 disprovide17 evidencing17 evidential14 misdivided18 misdivides17 providence18 subdivided18 subdivider17 subdivides17 unprovided17 unprovides16 videodiscs17 videodisks19 videograms17 videolands15 videophile19 videophone19 videotaped17 videotapes16 videotexes21 videotexts21 videogenic17 disprovided19 disprovides18 dividedness17 evidentiary18 improvident19 nonevidence17 providences19 providently20 subdividers18 undividedly20 unevidenced18 unprovident17 videography24 videophiles20 videophones20 videophonic22 videotaping18 videotheque27 dividendless18 evidentially19 improvidence22 nonevidences18 providential18 superevident18 Show more ...

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