Unites is valid Scrabble Word

Is unites a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is unites valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for UNITES in dictionary:

Words related to UNITES

unite5 united7 uniting8

Words that contain UNITES

dunites8 gunites8 munites9 alunites8 reunites8 autunites9 braunites11 disunites10 preunites11

How to use UNITES in a sentence

Similar words containing ITE without suffix s and without prefix un

bite6 cite6 dite5 gite5 item6 kite8 lite4 mite6 nite4 rite4 site4 tite4 vite7 wite7 yite7 zite13 iter4 axite12 biter7 bites7 blite7 boite7 cited8 citer7 cites7 dited7 dites6 elite5 evite8 flite8 gites6 items7 kited10 kiter9 kites9 lited6 liter5 lites5 miter7 mites7 niter5 nites5 quite14 rites5 shite8 sited6 sites5 skite9 smite7 spite7 suite5 titer5 trite5 twite8 unite5 urite5 vitex15 waite8 white11 wited9 wites8 write8 yites8 accite10 acmite10 albite8 aplite8 arkite10 augite7 axites13 baited9 baiter8 barite8 biters8 blites8 boites8 cerite8 citers8 citess8 cuiter8 curite8 dacite9 doited8 dugite8 dunite7 edited8 elites6 endite7 evited10 evites9 excite15 exited14 finite9 flited10 flites9 fomite11 frites9 gaited8 gaiter7 geited8 goiter7 gunite7 halite9 humite11 ignite7 illite6 incite8 indite7 invite9 iolite6 itemed9 iterum8 karite10 kiters10 kumite12 lenite6 levite9 liters6 litest6 loiter6 lucite8 luiten6 lutite6 miters8 munite8 nanite6 nerite6 niters6 nitery9 norite6 obiter8 oolite6 ophite11 pelite8 petite8 pinite8 podite9 polite8 pyrite11 quited16 quites15 raited7 ratite6 rebite8 recite8 reiter6 resite6 samite8 seiten6 shited10 shites9 skited11 skites10 smiter8 smites8 somite8 sopite8 spited9 spites8 sprite8 suited7 suiter6 suites6 taxite13 titely9 titers6 toited7 tonite6 triter6 trites6 twaite9 twites9 united7 uniter6 urites6 venite9 verite9 visite9 waited10 waiter9 waites9 whited13 whiten12 whiter12 whites12 whitey15 writer9 writes9 zymite20 accited12 accites11 acmites11 aconite9 acquite18 albites9 alunite7 amosite9 apatite9 aplites9 arbiter9 arenite7 arkites11 ascites9 attrite7 attuite7 audited9 auditee8 augites8 awaited11 awaiter10 axinite14 azurite16 azymite21 bainite9 baiters9 barites9 bauxite16 bedrite10 biotite9 bornite9 brucite11 bruited10 bruiter9 burkite13 calcite11 cerites9 chedite13 coesite9 cordite10 corsite9 cowrite12 crinite9 cuiters9 cuprite11 curites9 cyanite12 dacites10 debited11 despite10 diorite8 dugites9 dulcite10 dunites8 dunnite8 ebonite9 egalite8 endited9 endites8 ensuite7 equites16 eremite9 erinite7 erudite8 eucrite9 excited17 exciter16 excites16 fansite10 felsite10 femiter12 ferrite10 finites10 fomites12 fruited11 fruiter10 gahnite11 gaiters8 goiters8 gothite11 granite8 guerite8 gummite12 gunites8 habited13 halites10 haplite12 hessite10 hoplite12 humites12 hyalite13 ichnite12 ignited9 igniter8 ignites8 illites7 incited10 inciter9 incites9 indited9 inditer8 indites8 inosite7 invited11 invitee10 inviter10 invites10 iolites7 iteming10 itemise9 itemize18
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