Trolly is valid Scrabble Word

Is trolly a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is trolly valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TROLLY in dictionary:

Words related to TROLLY

trolley10 trollied9 trollies8 trollying13

Words that contain TROLLY


How to use TROLLY in a sentence

Similar words containing TROL without suffix ly

troll5 patrol8 petrol8 stroll6 trolls6 control9 entrold8 introld8 outroll7 patrols9 petrols9 strolls7 troland8 trolled8 troller7 trolley10 trollop9 amitrole10 controle10 controls10 countrol10 nitrolic10 outrolls8 petrolic12 strolled9 stroller8 trolands9 trollers8 trolleys11 trollied9 trollies8 trolling9 trollish11 trollius8 trollops10 trollopy13 victrola13 amitroles11 astrolabe11 astrology13 comptroll15 countrols11 decontrol12 metrology15 natrolite9 outrolled10 patrolled12 patroller11 patrolman13 patrolmen13 patrology15 petrolage12 petroleum13 petroleur11 petrolled12 petrology15 strollers9 strolling10 trolleyed13 trollings10 trolloped12 trollopee11 trollying13 victrolas14 victrolla14 astrolabes12 astrolatry13 astrologer11 astrologic13 biocontrol14 comptrolls16 controlled13 controller12 decontrols13 gastrolith14 gastrology15 metrologic15 natrolites10 outrolling11 patrollers12 patrolling13 petrolages13 petrolatum14 petroleous12 petroleums14 petroleurs12 petroleuse12 petrolhead16 petrolling13 petrologic15 strollings11 trolleybus15 trolleying14 trolliuses10 trollopees12 trolloping13 trollopish15 victrollas15 trollopier12 astrologers12 astrologies12 astrologist12 biocontrols15 comptrolled18 comptroller17 controllers13 controlling14 controlment15 countrolled14 electroless13 electrolier13 electrology17 electrolyse16 electrolyte16 electrolyze25 gastroliths15 gastrologer13 metrologies14 metrologist14 overcontrol16 patrologies14 patrologist14 patrolwoman18 patrolwomen18 petrolatums15 petroleuses13 petrolheads17 petrologies14 petrologist14 resveratrol14 retrolental11 spectrology19 stilbestrol13 telecontrol13 trollopiest13 astrolatries12 astrological15 astrologists13 comptrollers18 comptrolling19 controllable16 controllably19 controlments16 countrolling15 decontrolled16 electroliers14 electrolysed18 electrolyser17 electrolyses17 electrolysis17 electrolytes17 electrolytic19 electrolyzed27 electrolyzer26 electrolyzes26 gastrologers14 gastrologies14 gastrologist14 metrological17 metrologists15 nonpetroleum16 overcontrols17 patrological17 patrologists15 petrological17 petrologists15 resveratrols15 servocontrol17 stilbestrols14 stilboestrol14 telecontrols14 trolleybuses17 uncontrolled15 decontrolling17 electrologies16 electrologist16 electrolysers18 electrolysing19 electrolytics20 electrolyzers27 electrolyzing28 gastrological17 gastrologists15 noncontrolled16 petroliferous18 servocontrols18 spectrologies18 stilboestrols15 trolleybusses18 ventrolateral16 nonpetroleums17 astrologically20 centrolecithal21 controllership21 electrologists17 incontrollable18 incontrollably21 metrologically22 noncontrolling17 nonelectrolyte19 overcontrolled20 petrologically22 spectrological21 uncontrollable18 uncontrollably21 uncontrolledly20 comptrollership26 controllability22 controllerships22 electrolysation20 electrolyzation29 noncontrollable19 nonelectrolytes20 overcontrolling21 polyelectrolyte25 microcontroller21 controllabiliti19 electroluminesc21 uncontrollabili19 electrolyticall22 electrolytically26 polyelectrolytes26 comptrollerships27 controllabilities21 uncontrollability24 diethylstilbestrol27 electroluminescent24 diethylstilbestrols28 electroluminescence27 uncontrollabilities23 electroluminescences28
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