Sel is valid Scrabble Word

Is sel a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is sel valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SEL in dictionary:

Words related to SEL

self7 sels4

Words that contain SEL

seld5 sele4 self7 sell4 sels4 easel5 eisel5 fusel8 hosel8 losel5 mesel7 ousel5 selah8 seles5 selfs8 sella5 selle5 sells5 selva8 selfy11 basely11 chisel11 damsel9 diesel7 dorsel7 dossel7 easels6 eassel6 eisell6 eisels6 fusels9 gunsel7 hansel9 hassel9 haysel12 hirsel9 hosels9 housel9 itself9 kissel10 losels6 mesels8 missel8 morsel8 mussel8 myself14 norsel6 ousels6 pasela8 passel8 pensel8 pussel8 ransel6 resell6 russel6 selahs9 seldom9 select8 selfed10 selfie9 selkie10 sellae6 sellas6 seller6 selles6 selsyn9 selvas9 selves9 seseli6 tarsel6 tassel6 teasel6 tinsel6 tolsel6 torsel6 unself9 unsell6 upsell8 vessel9 weasel9 wisely12 woosel9 ainsell7 bansela9 bonsela9 caselaw12 chessel12 chisels12 closely12 counsel9 cypsela14 damosel10 damsels10 densely11 diesels8 dorsels8 dossels8 easeled8 eisells7 erosely10 falsely13 grisely11 grysely14 gunsels8 handsel11 hansels10 hassels10 haysels13 herself13 himself15 hirsels10 hisself13 housels10 kissels11 loosely10 meseled10 missell9 missels9 morsels9 moselle9 mussels9 nonself10 norsels7 nousell7 obesely12 oneself10 osselet7 ourself10 outsell7 paselas9 passels9 pensels9 presell9 pussels9 ransels7 resells7 rosella7 roselle7 russels7 scissel9 selecta9 selects9 selenic9 selfdom13 selfies10 selfing11 selfish13 selfism12 selfist10 selkies11 sellers7 selling8 selloff13 sellout7 selsyns10 seltzer16 selvage11 seselis7 tarsels7 tassell7 tassels7 teasels7 tensely10 tersely10 thyself16 tinsels7 tinsely10 tolsels7 torsels7 tressel7 unselfs10 unsells7 upsells9 useless7 vessels10 weasels10 weasely13 woosell10 woosels10 tassely10 ainsells8 aversely14 banselas10 baselard11 baseless10 baseline10 baseload11 bonselas10 bonsella10 brussels10 carousel10 caselaws13 caseload11 chessels13 chiseled14 chiseler13 ciseleur10 ciselure10 coarsely13 corselet10 counsels10 crousely13 cymosely18 cypselae15 damoisel11 damosels11 deselect11 detassel9 dieseled10 easeless8 fuselage12 fuseless11 fuselike15 gaselier9 handsels12 hanseled12 hirseled12 hoarsely14 hoselike15 houseled12 jocosely20 mamselle12 missells10 morosely13 morseled11 moselles10 nainsell8 nassella8 noseless8 noselike12 noselite8 nousells8 obtusely13 orsellic10 osselets8 otiosely11 outsells8 oversell11 presells10 psellism12 ramosely13 reselect10 reseller8 rimosely13 roseless8 roselike12 rosellas8 roselles8 rugosely12 scissels10 seladang10 selamlik14 selcouth13 seldomly14 seldseen9 selectas10 selected11 selectee10 selectly13 selector10 selenate8 selenian8 selenide9 selenite8 selenium10 selenous8 selfdoms14 selfheal14 selfhood15 selfings12 selfisms13 selfists11 selfless11 selfness11 selfsame13 selfward15 selictar10 sellable10 sellings9 selloffs14 sellouts8 seltzers17 selvaged13 selvagee12 selvages12 selvedge13 sparsely13 streusel8 tasseled9 tassells8 tasselly11 teaseled9 teaseler8 tessella8 themself16 thrissel11 tinseled9 tinselly11 tinselry11 tressels8

How to use SEL in a sentence

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