Rodent is valid Scrabble Word

Is rodent a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is rodent valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RODENT in dictionary:

Words related to RODENT

agouti7 rodents8

Words that contain RODENT

erodent8 rodents8 erodents9 corrodent12 rodential10 corrodents13 rodenticide15 rodenticides16

How to use RODENT in a sentence

Similar words containing ROD without suffix ent

rod4 brod7 prod7 rode5 rods5 trod5 brods8 erode6 grody10 prods8 roded7 rodeo6 rodes6 sarod6 scrod8 sprod8 trode6 trods6 betrod9 corody12 emerod9 eroded8 erodes7 hotrod10 nimrod9 parody12 ramrod9 retrod7 rodded9 rodeos7 roding8 rodman9 rodmen9 rodney10 sarode7 sarods7 schrod12 scrods9 sprods9 strode7 trodes7 untrod7 tierod7 brodded12 broddle11 brodkin14 corrode10 corrody13 dambrod13 emerods10 erodent8 eroding9 erodium10 grodier9 hagrode12 hotrods11 joyrode18 nimrods10 outrode8 parodic12 parodoi10 parodos10 prodded12 prodder11 prodigy14 prodrug11 produce12 product12 pushrod13 ramrods10 rodding10 rodents8 rodeoed9 rodeway14 rodings9 rodless8 rodlike12 rodneys11 rodsman10 rodsmen10 rodster8 sarodes8 schrods13 strodle8 tetrode8 trodden9 urodele8 tierods8 acrodont11 aerodart9 aeroduct11 aerodyne12 bestrode11 brodding13 broddled13 broddles12 brodekin15 brodkins15 centrode11 corodies11 Show more ...
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