Pre is valid Scrabble Word

Is pre a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is pre valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PRE in dictionary:

Words related to PRE


Words that contain PRE

pree6 prem8 prep8 prex13 prey9 prez15 apres7 mpret9 predy11 preed8 preen7 prees7 preif10 prems9 premy12 prent7 preon7 preop9 preps9 presa7 prese7 press7 prest7 preve10 prexy17 preys10 spred8 spree7 sprew10 chypre16 cypres13 mprets10 osprey11 preace10 preach13 preact10 preamp12 prearm10 prease8 prebid11 prebuy13 preces10 precip12 precis10 precut10 predry12 preens8 preeve11 prefab13 prefer11 prefix18 preggy13 prehab13 preife11 preifs11 prelaw11 prelim10 preman10 premed11 premen10 premia10 premie10 premix17 prents8 prenup10 preons8 preops10 prepay13 preppy15 preses8 preset8 pressy11 presto8 prests8 pretax15 pretor8 pretty11 preved12 preves11 prevue11 prewar11 prewyn14 prexes15 prexie15 preyed12 preyer11 prezes17 sempre10 spread9 spredd10 spreds9 spreed9 sprees8 sprent8 sprews11 uprear8 uprest8 preggo10 adpress10 appress11 aspread10 caprese11 chypres17 cypress14 depress10 dispred11 empress11 express16 impregn12 impresa11 imprese11 impress11 imprest11 kouprey16 lamprey14 lipread10 oppress11 ospreys12 preaced12 preaces11 preachy17 preacts11 preaged11 preamps13 preanal9 prearms11 preased10 preases9 preasse9 preaver12 prebade12 prebake15 prebend12 prebids12 prebill11 prebind12 preboil11 prebook15 preboom13 preborn11 prebuys14 precast11 precava14 precede12 precent11 precept13 precess11 precipe13 precips13 precise11 precode12 precook15 precool11 precoup13 precure11 precuts11 predate10 predawn13 predial10 predict12 predied11 predies10 predive13 predoom12 predusk14 preedit10 preeing10 preemie11 preempt13 preened10 preener9 preeved13 preeves12 prefabs14 preface14 prefade13 prefard13 prefect14 prefers12 prefile12 prefire12 preform14 prefund13 pregame12 prehabs14 preheat12 prehend13 preifes12 prejink20 prelacy14 prelate9 prelaty12 prelect11 prelife12 prelims11 preload10 prelude10 preludi10 premade12 premeal11 premeds12 premeet11 premier11 premies11 premise11 premiss11 premium13 premixt18 premold12 premolt11 premove14 premune11 prename11 preneed10 prenoon9 prented10 prenups11 prenzie18 preoral9 prepack17 prepaid12 prepare11 prepave14 prepays14 prepill11 preplan11 prepone11 prepose11 prepped14 preppie13 prepreg12 prepuce13 prepupa13 prequel18 prerace11 preriot9 prerock15 prerupt11 presage10 presale9 presell9 present9 presets9 preship14 preshow15 preside10 presift12 presoak13 presold10 presong10 presort9 pressed10 presser9 presses9 pressie9 pressor9 prested10 prester9 prestos9 presume11 pretape11 preteen9 pretell9 pretend10 preterm11 pretest9 pretext16 pretold10 pretors9 pretrim11 pretype14 pretzel18 prevail12 prevene12 prevent12 preverb14 preview15 preving13 previse12 prevued13 prevues12 prewarm14 prewarn12 prewash15 prewire12 prework16 preworn12 prewrap14 prewyns15 prexies16 preyers12 preyful15 preying13 prezzie27 repress9 spreads10 spreagh13 spreaze18 spredde11 spredds11

How to use PRE in a sentence

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