Pairing is valid Scrabble Word

Is pairing a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is pairing valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PAIRING in dictionary:

Words related to PAIRING

pair6 paire7 paired9 pairings11 pairs7

Words that contain PAIRING

pairings11 appairing14 empairing14 impairing14 repairing12 despairing14 impairings15 despairingly19 undespairing16 undespairingly21

How to use PAIRING in a sentence

Similar words containing PAIR without suffix ing

pair6 paire7 pairs7 appair10 impair10 paired9 pairer8 paires8 repair8 appairs11 despair10 empaire11 impairs11 pairest9 pairial9 repairs9 spairge10 appaired13 despairs11 empaired13 empaires12 impaired13 impairer12 pairials10 pairings11 pairwise13 repaired11 repairer10 spairged12 spairges11 unpaired11 unrepair10 appairing14 despaired13 despairer12 disrepair12 empairing14 impairers13 impairing14 repairers11 repairing12 repairman13 repairmen13 spairging13 unrepairs11 despairers13 despairful16 despairing14 disrepairs13 impairable16 impairings15 impairment16 repairable14 unimpaired15 unrepaired13 impairments17 despairingly19 irrepairable16 undespairing16 unrepairable16 repairability20 undespairingly21 repairabilities19
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