Opes is valid Scrabble Word

Is opes a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is opes valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for OPES in dictionary:

Words related to OPES

ope5 oped7 oping8

Words that contain OPES

copes9 dopes8 hopes10 lopes7 mopes9 popes9 ropes7 topes7 dopest9 elopes8 gropes9 myopes13 scopes10 slopes8 stopes8 tropes8 delopes10 metopes11 oropesa9 pyropes14 stoopes9 uncopes11 unpopes11 unropes9 nyaopes12 apocopes14 biotopes12 cyclopes17 dopester11 epitopes12 isotopes10 liriopes10 manropes12 oropesas10 outropes10 popeseye15 popeship17 stylopes13 syncopes15 towropes13 upslopes12 wanhopes16 antelopes11 antipopes13 bioscopes15 bishopess16 boltropes13 calliopes13 cassiopes13 copesetic15 copestone13 developes15 diascopes14 dopesheet15 dopesters12 dragropes13 envelopes14 episcopes15 escalopes13 footropes14 gantlopes12 headropes15 hyperopes19 inotropes11 iriscopes13 jumpropes22 myoscopes18 otoscopes13 overhopes17 oxytropes21 pericopes15 popeships18 stanhopes14 zoetropes20 zootropes20 slopeside12 aeroscopes14 allotropes12 auriscopes14 azeotropes21 baroscopes16 borescopes16 copesettic16 copestones14 cryoscopes19 dopesheets16 downslopes16 emmetropes16 endoscopes15 engyscopes18 fetoscopes17 gantelopes13 gyroscopes18 hemitropes17 hillslopes15 hodoscopes18 horoscopes17 interlopes12 kinescopes18 koniscopes18 megascopes17 mutoscopes16 nyctalopes17 periscopes16 phalaropes17 poroscopes16 presbyopes19 protanopes14 pyroscopes19 rheotropes15 rotoscopes14 skiascopes18 somascopes16 telescopes14 tightropes16 tritanopes12 vitascopes17 engiscopes15 jackalopes25 slopesides13 slopestyle15 rheoscopes17 anemoscopes17 aposiopeses15 aposiopesis15 bishopesses18 colposcopes19 cystoscopes20 fiberscopes20 fibrescopes20 gonioscopes16 hagioscopes19 helioscopes18 heliotropes16 hydroscopes22 hygroscopes22 iconoscopes17 lactoscopes17 microscopes19 myrioscopes20 nephoscopes20 nightscopes19 orthoscopes18 pantoscopes17 phonoscopes20 phototropes18 radarscopes16 radioscopes16 rhinoscopes18 statoscopes15 teinoscopes15 thixotropes23 triniscopes15 glideslopes15 slopestyles16 arthroscopes19 benthoscopes21 biopesticide19 chromoscopes23 chronoscopes21 colonoscopes18 deuteranopes15 dichroscopes22 epidiascopes19 fluoroscopes19 gastroscopes17 kinetoscopes20 laparoscopes18 lycanthropes22 lychnoscopes24 misanthropes19 nephroscopes21 opeidoscopes19 polariscopes18 proctoscopes20 pseudoscopes19 retinoscopes16 seismoscopes18 sniperscopes18 stauroscopes16 stereoscopes16 stethoscopes19 stroboscopes18 thaumatropes19 thermoscopes21 vectorscopes21 aethrioscopes20 biopesticidal20 biopesticides20 bronchoscopes24 dichroiscopes23 dichrooscopes23 ebullioscopes19 electroscopes19 galvanoscopes21 isoteniscopes17 kaleidoscopes22 laryngoscopes21 myringoscopes23 oscilloscopes19 philanthropes23 praxinoscopes26 radioisotopes16 snooperscopes19 spectroscopes21 sphygmoscopes28 synchroscopes25 thoracoscopes22 urethroscopes20 hysteroscopes23 dipleidoscopes22 esophagoscopes24 pharyngoscopes27 phonendoscopes24 rontgenoscopes19 sigmoidoscopes22 tachistoscopes23 anamorphoscopes26 oesophagoscopes25 ophthalmoscopes29 phosphoroscopes29 roentgenoscopes20 scintillascopes21 scintilloscopes21 spinthariscopes24 synchronoscopes27 ultramicroscopes24 stereomicroscopes25 spectrohelioscopes29

How to use OPES in a sentence

Similar words containing OPE without suffix s

ope5 cope8 dope7 hope9 lope6 mope8 nope6 oped7 open6 pope8 rope6 tope6 coped10 copen9 coper9 copes9 doped9 doper8 dopes8 dopey11 elope7 grope8 hoped11 hoper10 hopes10 kopek15 loped8 loper7 lopes7 moped10 moper9 mopes9 mopey12 myope12 ooped8 opens7 opepe9 opera7 popes9 roped8 roper7 ropes7 ropey10 scope9 shope10 slope7 stope7 toped8 topee7 topek11 toper7 topes7 trope7 aslope8 bopeep12 cooped11 cooper10 copeck16 copens10 copers10 delope9 dopers9 dopest9 eloped9 eloper8 elopes8 epopee10 gooped10 groped10 groper9 gropes9 hooped12 hooper11 hopers11 kopeck18 kopeks16 looped9 looper8 lopers8 metope10 mooped11 mopeds11 mopers10 mopery13 myopes13 opened9 opener8 openly11 opepes10 operas8 operon8 pooped11 pooper10 popera10 popery13 propel10 proper10 pyrope13 reopen8 rooped9 ropers8 ropery11 scoped11 scopes10 sloped9 sloper8 slopes8 sooped9 stoope8 stoped9 stoper8 stopes8 topees8 topeks12 topers8 troped9 tropes8 uncope10 unopen8 unpope10 unrope8 nyaope11 apocope13 autopen9 biotope11 blooped12 blooper11 bopeeps13 coopers11 coopery14 copecks17 copepod14 copered12 deloped11 delopes10 drooped11 elopers9 epitope11 epopees11 galoped11 glooped11 gropers10 hoopers12 hopeful15 isotope9 kopecks19 liriope9 loopers9 manrope11 metopes11 openers9 openest9 opening10 operand10 operant9 operate9 operons9 operose9 oropesa9 outrope9 poopers11 popedom14 poperas11 poperin11 popette11 popeyed15 propels11 propend12 propene11 propers11 pyropes14 reopens9 ropeway15 scooped12 scooper11 slopers9 snooped10 snooper9 stooped10 stooper9 stoopes9 stopers9 swooped13 swooper12 syncope14 towrope12 trooped10 trooper9 uncoped12 uncopes11 unhoped13 unpoped12 unpopes11 unroped10 unropes9 upslope11 wanhope15 whooped16 whoopee15 whooper15 zoopery21 nyaopes12 alopecia12 alopecic14 antelope10 antipope12 apocopes14 autopens10 bioscope14 biotopes12 bishoped16 bloopers12 boltrope12 calliope12 cassiope12 coopered13 copemate14 copepods15 copering13 cyclopes17 develope14 diascope13 dolloped12 dopehead15 dopester11 dragrope12 envelope13 episcope14 epitopes12 escalope12 footrope13 galloped12 galloper11 gantlope11 golloped12 golloper11 headrope14 hopefuls16 hopeless13 hyperope18 improper14 inhooped14 inotrope10 iriscope12 isotopes10 jumprope21 liriopes10 lolloped11 lycopene15 manropes12 mopehawk22 moperies12 myoscope17 openable12 opencast12 openings11 openness10 openside11 openwork17 operable12 operably15 operands11 operants10 operated11 operates10 operatic12 operator10 opercele12 opercula12 opercule12 operetta10 oropesas10 otoscope12 outroper10 outropes10 overhope16 oxytrope20 pericope14 popedoms15 popehood16 popeless12 popelike16 popeling13 poperies12 poperins12 popeseye15 popeship17 popettes12 propenal12 propends13 propenes12 propenol12 propense12 propenyl15 properer12 properly15 property15 reopened11 reopener10 ropeable12
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