Nonfiction is valid Scrabble Word

Is nonfiction a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is nonfiction valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for NONFICTION in dictionary:

Words related to NONFICTION

nonfictional17 nonfictionally22 nonfictions16

Words that contain NONFICTION

nonfictions16 nonfictional17 nonfictionally22

How to use NONFICTION in a sentence

Similar words containing FIC without suffix tion and without prefix non

fice9 fico9 fices10 fiche13 fichu13 ficin10 ficos10 ficus10 mafic12 ficta10 deific12 fanfic14 ficain11 fiches14 fichus14 ficins11 fickle15 fickly18 ficoes11 fictor11 mafics13 office14 unific11 affiche18 benefic14 deficit13 edifice13 fanfics15 ficains12 fickled17 fickler16 fickles16 fictile12 fiction12 fictive15 fictors12 ficuses12 maffick21 malefic14 mirific14 motific14 officer15 offices15 omnific14 orifice12 ossific12 pacific16 sebific14 suffice15 traffic15 triffic15 venefic15 vivific18 affiches19 artifice13 beatific15 benefice15 calcific17 cornific15 deficits14 deifical14 edifices14 efficacy21 febrific18 ficklest17 fickling18 fictions13 horrific16 inficete13 lactific15 mafficks22 magnific16 malefice15 mellific15 morbific17 mortific15 officers16 official16 opificer15 orifices13 petrific15 pontific15 prolific15 pulsific15 salvific16 somnific15 specific17 sufficed17 sufficer16 suffices16 terrific13 traffics16 artificer14 artifices14 beccafico20 beneficed17 benefices16 calorific16 classific16 colorific16 deficient15 difficile18 difficult18 dolorific15 edificial15 efficient17 felicific19 fictional14 fictively20 forficate17 honorific17 lapidific17 mafficked24 mafficker23 magnifico17 malefices16 mirifical16 officered18 officials17 officiant17 officiary20 officiate17 officinal17 officious17 opificers16 orificial14 outoffice17 pacificae18 pacifical18 pontifice16 sacrifice16 saporific16 satisfice14 significs15 soporific16 specifics18 suboffice19 sudorific15 sufficers17 sufficing18 surficial14 trafficky24 tubificid17 vaporific19 venefical17 aficionada16 aficionado16 artificers15 artificial15 beatifical17 beccaficos21 beneficent17 beneficial17 beneficing18 deficience18 deficiency21 deficients16 difficulty22 efficacies20 efficacity23 efficience20 efficiency23 efficients18 fickleness19 fictioneer15 fictionise15 fictionist15 fictionize24 fictitious15 frigorific19 honorifics18 inefficacy23 maffickers24 mafficking25 magnifical18 magnificat18 magnificos18 maleficent17 maleficial17 microfiche22 munificent17 nidificate16 officering19 officially21 officialty21 officiants18 officiated19 officiates18 officiator18 officinals18 omnificent17 outoffices18 overoffice21 pacificate19 pacificism21 pacificist19 perficient17 pontifical17 pontifices17 proficient17 prolifical17 sacrificed18 sacrificer17 sacrifices17 salvifical18 satisficed16 satisficer15 satisfices15 scientific17 soporifics17 specifical19 subofficer20 suboffices20 sudorifics16 sufficient18 tenebrific17 torporific17 trafficked23 trafficker22 tubificids18 ultrafiche18 ultramafic17 unofficial18 unprolific17 unspecific19 veneficous18 officemate20 afficionado20 aficionadas17 aficionados17 beneficence20 beneficials18 beneficiary21 beneficiate18 carnificial18 certificate18 coefficient21 conspecific22 deficiences19 deficiently20 deification17 difficultly23 ecospecific22 edification17 edificatory20 efficacious21 efficiences21 efficiently22 fictionally19 fictioneers16 fictionised17 fictionises16 fictionists16 fictionized26 fictionizes25 fictiveness19 forficulate19 frigorifico20 honorifical19 inefficient19 inofficious19 interoffice19 maffickings26 magnificats19 magnificent19 magnificoes19 malefically21 maleficence20 metafiction18 microfiches23 mirifically21 munificence20 nidificated18 nidificates17 nonfictions16 nonofficial19 nonspecific20 officialdom22 officialese19 officialism21 officiality22 officiaries19 officiating20 officiation19 officiators19 officinally22 officiously22 omnificence20 overofficed23 overoffices22 pacifically23 pacificated21 pacificates20 pacificator20 pacificisms22 pacificists20 perficients18 pontificals18 pontificate18 proficience20
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