Mort is valid Scrabble Word

Is mort a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is mort valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for MORT in dictionary:

Words related to MORT


Words that contain MORT

amort7 morts7 mortal8 mortar8 alamort9 mortals9 mortars9 mortary12 mortice11 mortify15 mortise9 amortise10 amortize19 immortal12 mortally13 mortared11 mortbell12 mortgage12 morticed13 morticer12 mortices12 mortific15 mortised11 mortiser10 mortises10 mortling11 mortmain12 mortsafe13 mortuary13 amortised12 amortises11 amortized21 amortizes20 immortals13 micromort15 mortalise11 mortality14 mortalize20 mortaring12 mortarman13 mortarmen13 mortbells13 mortcloth16 mortgaged14 mortgagee13 mortgager13 mortgages13 mortgagor13 morticers13 mortician13 morticing14 mortified15 mortifier14 mortifies14 mortisers11 mortising12 mortlings12 mortmains13 mortsafes14 nonmortal11 unmortise11 mortarier11 amortising13 amortizing22 antemortem14 immortally17 immortelle14 micromorts16 mortadella13 mortadelle13 mortalised13 mortalises12 mortalized22 mortalizes21 mortarless12 mortcloths17 mortgagees14 mortgagers14 mortgaging15 mortgagors14 morticians14 mortifiers15 mortifying19 mortuaries12 nonmortals12 postmortem16 remortgage14 unimmortal14 unmortised13 unmortises12 mortariest12 amortisable15 amortizable24 immortalise15 immortality18 immortalize24 immortelles15 mortadellas14 mortalising14 mortalities13 mortalizing23 Show more ...

How to use MORT in a sentence

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