Miter is valid Scrabble Word

Is miter a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is miter valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for MITER in dictionary:

Words related to MITER

mitered10 miterer9 miterers10 mitering11 miters8 mitre7

Words that contain MITER

miters8 smiter8 femiter12 lamiter9 limiter9 lymiter12 mitered10 miterer9 smiters9 unmiter9 vomiter12 femiters13 lamiters10 limiters10 lymiters13 miterers10 mitering11 scimiter12 unmiters10 vomiters13 delimiter12 dynamiter15 miterwort14 scimiters13 unmitered12 delimiters13 dynamiters16 miterworts15 semiterete12 unmitering13 hemiterpene18 hemiterpenes19 semiterrestrial17

How to use MITER in a sentence

Similar words containing MIT without suffix er

emit6 mite6 mitt6 mity9 omit6 smit6 admit8 amity10 demit8 emits7 immit9 limit7 mitch12 mites7 mitis7 mitre7 mitts7 omits7 remit7 smite7 smith10 smits7 vomit10 acmite10 admits9 comity13 commit12 dammit11 demits9 dimity12 enmity11 flemit11 fomite11 fremit11 hermit11 humite11 immits10 kumite12 limits8 miters8 mither11 mitier8 mitral8 mitred9 mitres8 mitten8 permit10 reemit8 remits8 samite8 samiti8 semmit10 smiter8 smites8 smiths11 smithy14 somite8 submit10 summit10 vomito11 vomits11 vomity14 wommit13 zymite20 acmites11 amities9 azymite21 bevomit14 coadmit12 comital11 comitia11 commits13 delimit10 emitted10 emitter9 eremite9 femiter12 fomites12 fremits12 furmity15 gummite12 hermits12 humites12 imitant9 imitate9 kumites13 lamiter9 limited10 limiter9 limites9 lymiter12 manumit11 marmite11 mitched15 mitches14 mitered10 miterer9 mithers12 mitiest9 mitises9 mitogen10 mitoses9 mitosis9 mitotic11 mitring10 mitsvah15 mittens9 mitumba13 mitzvah24 omitted10 omitter9 permits11 readmit10 reemits9 samites9 samithi12 samitis9 semitar9 semmits11 simitar9 smiters9 smithed13 smiting10 smitted10 smitten9 smittle9 somital9 somites9 somitic11 submits11 summits11 symitar12 termite9 thermit12 unmiter9 unmitre9 vomited13 vomiter12 vomitos12 vomitus12 wommits14 zymites21 admitted12 admittee11 admitter11 amitoses10 amitosis10 amitotic12 amitrole10 azymites22 bevomits15 boehmite15 calamite12 calamity15 catamite12 cemitare12 chromite15 coadmits13 comitial12 comitias12 comities12 decommit15 delimits11 demitted12 dimities11 dolomite11 dynamite14 emitters10 emitting11 enmities10 enormity13 epsomite12 eremital10 eremites10 eremitic12 femiters13 fremitus13 fumitory16 gummites13 gunsmith14 hermitic15 hermitry16 humiture13 imitable12 imitancy15 imitants10 imitated11 imitates10 imitator10 immitted13 intermit10 intimity13 intromit10 komitaji21 lamiters10 limitary13 limiteds11 limiters10 limiting11 lymiters13 mammitis14 manumits12 marmites12 maximite19 mitching16 miterers10 mitering11 mithered14 miticide13 mitigant11 mitigate11 mitogens11 mitsvahs16 mitsvoth16 mittened11 mittimus12 mitumbas14 mitzvahs25 mitzvoth25 omitters10 omitting11 palmitic14 palmitin12 preadmit13 prelimit12 psammite14 readmits11 recommit14 remittal10 remitted11 remittee10 remitter10 remittor10 resubmit12 rolamite10 samithis13 scimitar12 scimiter12 semitars10 semitaur10 semitist10 semitone10 simitars10 smithers13 smithery16 smithied14 smithies13 smithing14 smitting11 sodomite11 sublimit12 summital12 summited13 summitry15 symitare13 symitars13 termites10 termitic12 thermite13 thermits13 tinsmith13 totemite10 transmit10 unmiters10 unmitred11 unmitres10 vegemite14 vomiters13 vomiting14 vomitive16 vomitory16 vomitous13 vomitier13 abnormity16 admittees12 admitters12 admitting13 amitroles11 anonymity17 ashramite14 atacamite13 bedlamite14 bevomited17 boehmites16 calamites13 catamites13 cemitares13 chemitype21 chemitypy24 chromites16 comitadji21 comitatus13 committal15 committed16 committee15 committer15 decommits16 deformity18 delimited13 delimiter12
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