Microbars is valid Scrabble Word

Is microbars a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is microbars valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for MICROBARS in dictionary:

Words related to MICROBARS


Similar words containing BAR without suffix s and without prefix micro

bar5 barb8 bard7 bare6 barf9 bark10 barm8 barn6 barp8 bars6 kbar10 barbe9 barbs9 barby12 barca9 barde8 bardo8 bards8 bardy11 bared8 barer7 bares7 barfi10 barfs10 barge8 baric9 barks11 barky14 barms9 barmy12 barns7 barny10 baron7 barps9 barra7 barre7 barro7 barry10 barye10 debar8 embar9 fubar10 gobar8 imbar9 kabar11 kbars11 kebar11 lobar7 rebar7 tubar7 unbar7 ambari10 ambary13 baraza17 barbal10 barbed11 barbel10 barber10 barbes10 barbet10 barbie10 barbot10 barbut10 barcas10 barded10 bardes9 bardic11 bardie9 bardos9 barege9 barely11 barest8 barfed12 barfis11 barfly14 barful11 barged10 bargee9 barges9 barhop13 baring9 barish11 barite8 barium10 barkan12 barked13 barken12 barker12 barley11 barlow11 barman10 barmen10 barmie10 barned9 barnet8 barney11 barock14 barolo8 barong9 barons8 barony11 barque17 barras8 barrat8 barred9 barrel8 barren8 barres8 barret8 barrie8 barrio8 barrow11 barter8 barton8 baryes11 baryon11 baryta11 baryte11 bulbar10 busbar10 darbar9 debark13 debars9 disbar9 durbar9 embark14 embars10 eyebar11 foobar11 ghubar12 herbar11 imbark14 imbars10 isobar8 kabars12 kebars12 labara8 lumbar10 mimbar12 minbar10 nutbar8 outbar8 rebars8 sambar10 tabard9 towbar11 unbare8 unbark12 unbars8 allobar9 ambaris11 backbar17 baracan11 barazas18 barbate11 barbell11 barbels11 barbers11 barbets11 barbies11 barbing12 barbola11 barbots11 barbule11 barbuts11 barchan14 barcode12 bardash13 bardier10 bardies10 barding11 bardism12 barefit12 bareges10 barfing13 bargain10 bargees10 bargest10 barging11 bargoon10 barhops14 barilla9 barista9 barites9 bariums11 barkans13 barkeep15 barkens13 barkers13 barkhan16 barkier13 barking14 barless9 barleys12 barlows12 barmaid12 barmier11 barmily14 barmkin15 barmpot13 barnets9 barneys12 barnier9 barning10 barocco13 barocks15 barolos9 baronet9 barongs10 baronne9 baroque18 barques18 barrace11 barrack15 barrage10 barrats9 barreed10 barrels9 barrens9 barrets9 barrico11 barrier9 barries9 barring10 barrios9 barroom11 barrows12 bartend10 barters9 bartons9 bartsia9 barware12 barwood13 baryons12 barytas12 barytes12 barytic14 baryton12 bilobar11 bombard14 busbars11 cabaret11 carbarn11 crowbar14 darbars10 debarks14 disbark14 disbars10 drawbar13 durbars10 embargo12 embarks15 eyebars12 facebar14 footbar12 forbare12 gabbard13 gabbart12 heelbar12 herbars12 herbary15 imbarks15 isobare9 isobars9 jambart18 kilobar13 labarum11 libbard12 lubbard12 lumbars11 megabar12 mimbars13 minbars11 minibar11 nutbars9 outbark13 outbars9 rhubarb14 rollbar9 sambars11 sandbar10 sidebar10 subarea9 subarid10 tabards10 tabaret9 tanbark13 taskbar13 tollbar9 toolbar9 towbars12 turbary12 typebar14 unbared10 unbares9 unbarks13 bullbar11 allobars10 ambaries12 backbars18
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