Bards is valid Scrabble Word

Is bards a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is bards valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for BARDS in dictionary:

Words related to BARDS

bard7 barded10 barding11

Words that contain BARDS

tabards10 bardship16 bombards15 gabbards14 libbards13 lubbards13 bardships17 guimbards15 scabbards16 colombards17 unscabbards18

How to use BARDS in a sentence

Similar words containing BARD without suffix s

bard7 barde8 bardo8 bardy11 barded10 bardes9 bardic11 bardie9 bardos9 tabard9 bardash13 bardier10 bardies10 barding11 bardism12 bombard14 gabbard13 libbard12 lubbard12 tabards10 bardiest11 bardisms13 bardling12 bardship16 bombarde15 bombards15 gabbards14 guimbard14 libbards13 lubbards13 scabbard15 tabarded12 bardashes15 bardlings13 bardships17 bombarded17 bombarder16 bombardes16 bombardon16 colombard16 gabardine13 guimbards15 scabbards16 bardolater13 bardolatry16 bombarders17 bombardier17 bombarding18 bombardons17 colombards17 gabardines14 scabbarded18 unscabbard17 bardolaters14 bombardiers18 bombardment20 scabbarding19 unscabbards18 bardolatries15 bardolatrous15 bombardments21 scabbardless19 unscabbarded20 unscabbarding21
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