Ham is valid Scrabble Word

Is ham a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ham valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HAM in dictionary:

Words related to HAM

hammed14 hamming15 hams9

Words that contain HAM

cham11 hame9 hams9 sham9 wham12 champ14 chams12 hamal10 hamba12 hamed11 hames10 hammy15 hamza19 ogham11 shama10 shame10 shams10 whamo13 whams13 haham13 ashame11 athame11 bonham13 chammy18 champs15 champy18 derham12 dhamma14 dirham12 fulham14 graham12 hamada12 hamals11 hamate11 hamaul11 hamble13 hamfat14 haming12 hamlet11 hammal13 hammam15 hammed14 hammer13 hamose11 hamous11 hamper13 hamuli11 hamzah23 hamzas20 oghams12 pelham13 shamal11 shaman11 shamas11 shamba13 shamed12 shamer11 shames11 shammy16 shamos11 shamoy14 shamus11 whammo16 whammy19 ashamed13 ashames12 athames12 beshame14 bonhams14 brecham16 chamade15 chamber16 chambre16 chametz23 chamfer17 chamisa14 chamise14 chamiso14 chamlet14 chamois14 chamoix21 champac18 champak20 champed17 champer16 derhams13 dhammas15 dirhams13 fulhams15 gingham14 grahams13 hamadas13 hamates12 hamatsa12 hamauls12 hambled15 hambles14 hambone14 hamburg15 hamfats15 Show more ...

How to use HAM in a sentence

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