Halls is valid Scrabble Word

Is halls a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is halls valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HALLS in dictionary:

Words related to HALLS


Words that contain HALLS

beerhalls14 catchalls16 firehalls15 gildhalls14 hallstand13 marshalls14 poolhalls14 turnhalls12 dancehalls16 guildhalls15 hallstands14

How to use HALLS in a sentence

Similar words containing HALL without suffix s

hall7 hallo8 shall8 challa11 chally14 hallah12 hallal9 hallan9 hallel9 halloa9 halloo9 hallos9 hallot9 hallow12 hallux16 phalli11 shalli9 thalli9 whally15 challah15 challan12 challas12 challie12 challis12 challot12 hallahs13 hallali10 hallals10 hallans10 hallels10 hallian10 halling11 hallion10 halloas10 halloed11 halloes10 halloos10 halloth13 hallows13 hallway16 hallyon13 phallic14 phallin12 phallus12 shallis10 shallon10 shallop12 shallot10 shallow13 thallic12 thallus10 beerhall13 catchall15 challahs16 challans13 challies13 challoth16 firehall14 gildhall13 hallalis11 hallaloo11 hallians11 halliard12 hallings12 hallions11 hallmark17 halloaed12 halloing12 hallooed12 halloumi13 hallowed15 hallower14 hallucal13 halluces13 hallways17 hallyons14 lethally14 marshall13 phallins13 phallism15 phallist13 phalloid14 poolhall13 shallons11 shalloon11 shallops13 shallots11 shallows14 thalline11 thallium13 thalloid12 thallous11 townhall14 turnhall11 unhallow14 beerhalls14 catchalls16 challenge15 challises14 dancehall15 dishallow16 epochally19 firehalls15 gildhalls14 guildhall14 hallalled13 hallaloos12 halliards13 hallmarks18 halloaing13 hallooing13 halloumis14 hallowers15 hallowing16 hallstand13 inshallah15 marshalls14 mashallah17 phallisms16 phallists14 phalluses14 poolhalls14 prehallux21 prothalli14 shalloons12 shallowed16 shallower15 shallowly18 thallious12 thalliums14 thalluses12 turnhalls12 unhallows15 challaned15 halloween15 thallines12 allhallond14 allhallown16 challenged17 challenger16 challenges16 dancehalls16 dishallows17 guildhalls15 hallalling14 halleluiah16 hallelujah23 hallmarked20 halloysite16 hallstands14 homothally21 ithyphalli21 marshalled16 marshaller15 phallicism19 phallicist17 phallocrat17 phalloidin16 prothallia15 prothallic17 prothallus15 shallowest16 shallowing17 thalliform18 unhallowed17 challaning16 halloweens16 allhallowen17 azimuthally28 catarrhally19 challengers17 challenging18 dishallowed19 halleflinta17 halleluiahs17 hallelujahs24 hallmarking21 halloysites17 hallucinant16 hallucinate16 homothallic21 ithyphallic24 ithyphallus22 marshallers16 marshalling17 mishallowed20 monarchally21 phallically21 phallicisms20 phallicists18 phallocrats18 phalloidins17 prehalluces18 prothallial16 prothallium18 prothalloid17 rechallenge17 shallowings18 shallowness17 sublethally19 thallophyte22 unhallowing18 acronychally25 apocryphally27 dishallowing20 halleflintas18 hallowedness19 hallucinants17 hallucinated18 hallucinates17 hallucinator17 hallucinogen18 hallucinoses17 hallucinosis17 heterothally21 homothallies20 homothallism22 ithyphallics25 marischalled20 marshallings18 mischallenge20 morphallaxes26 morphallaxis26 phallocratic21 prothalluses17 rechallenged19 rechallenges18 shillyshally24 thallophytes23 thallophytic25 trophallaxes24 trophallaxis24 unchallenged19 challengeable21 challengingly23 hallucinating19 hallucination18 hallucinative21 hallucinators18 hallucinatory21 hallucinogens19 heterothallic21 homothallisms23 ithyphalluses24 marischalling21 mischallenges21 patriarchally23 phallocentric22 rechallenging20 shallownesses19 trophallactic22 unchallenging20 hallowednesses21 hallucinations19 hallucinogenic22 heterothallies20 heterothallism22 phallocentrism23 shillyshallied24 shillyshallier23 shillyshallies23 hallucinosises19 hallucinational20 hallucinogenics23 heterothallisms23 phallocentrisms24 shillyshalliers24 shillyshallying28 unchallengeable23 unchallengeably26 unchallengingly25
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