Ells is valid Scrabble Word

Is ells a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ells valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ELLS in dictionary:

Words related to ELLS


Words that contain ELLS

bells7 cells7 dells6 fells8 hells8 jells12 kells9 mells7 pells7 sells5 tells5 vells8 wells8 yells8 dwells10 knells10 kvells13 quells15 shells9 skells10 smells8 snells6 spells8 stells6 swells9 bedells10 cruells9 eisells7 lozells16 merells9 micells11 newells10 resells7 retells7 sorells7 unsells7 upsells9 upwells12 ainsells8 barbells12 burrells10 carrells10 cowbells15 drywells15 enshells11 fannells11 indwells12 inkwells15 inshells11 knevells15 lorrells8 maxwells20 missells10 mistells10 mochells15 morrells10 muchells15 nousells8 outsells8 outtells8 outwells11 outyells11 presells10 pretells10 respells10 subcells12 tassells8 tonnells8 tramells10 unshells11 unspells10 upswells13 vermells13 wellsite11 woosells11 bluebells13 bonibells13 bonspells13 dayshells16 doorbells12 dumbbells16 eggshells14 farewells15 femerells14 footwells15 foretells12 gromwells15 hairbells14 handbells15 harebells14 hawkbells21 livewells15 misspells13 mortbells13 nainsells9 nutshells12 outdwells13 outsmells11 outspells11 outswells12 Show more ...

How to use ELLS in a sentence

Similar words containing ELL without suffix s

ell3 bell6 cell6 dell5 fell7 hell7 jell11 kell8 mell6 pell6 sell4 tell4 vell7 well7 yell7 belle7 bells7 belly10 cella7 celli7 cello7 cells7 dells6 delly9 dwell9 fella8 fells8 felly11 gelly9 hello8 hells8 jello12 jells12 jelly15 kells9 kelly12 knell9 kvell12 mells7 nelly8 pells7 quell14 sella5 selle5 sells5 shell8 skell9 smell7 snell5 spell7 stell5 swell8 tells5 telly8 vells8 wells8 welly11 yells8 hella8 rello5 anelli6 bedell9 befell11 belled9 belles8 bellow11 cellae8 cellar8 celled9 cellos8 duelli7 duello7 dwells10 eisell6 ellops8 favell12 fellah12 fellas9 felled10 feller9 felloe9 fellow12 gelled8 helled10 heller9 hellos9 jelled14 jellos13 knells10 kvells13 lozell15 mellay11 melled9 mellow11 merell8 micell10 nellie6 newell9 nielli6 niello6 Show more ...
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