Disproves is valid Scrabble Word

Is disproves a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is disproves valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DISPROVES in dictionary:

Words related to DISPROVES

disprove14 disproved16 disproven15 disproving17

How to use DISPROVES in a sentence

Similar words containing PROVE without suffix s and without prefix dis

prove10 proved12 proven11 prover11 proves11 approve14 improve14 provend13 proverb14 provers12 reprove12 approved16 approver15 approves15 disprove14 improved16 improver15 improves15 provedor14 provends14 provenly16 proverbs15 reproved14 reprover13 reproves13 unproved14 unproven13 approvers16 disproved16 disproven15 disprover15 improvers16 nonproven14 proveable16 proveably19 provedore15 provedors15 provender15 proverbed17 reapprove16 reprovers14 disapprove18 disimprove18 disprovers16 misimprove19 preapprove19 provection17 proveditor16 provedores16 provenance17 provenders16 proverbial17 proverbing18 reapproved18 reapproves17 unapproved18 unimproved18 unreproved16 provencale17 disapproved20 disapprover19 disapproves19 disimproved20 disimproves19 improvement20 misimproved21 misimproves20 preapproved21 preapproves20 provections18 proveditore17 proveditors17 provenances18 provendered18 provenience18 disapprovers20 improvements21 proveability22 proveditores18 provendering19 proveniences19 proverbially22 proventriculi20 proverbialise20 proverbialism22 proverbialist20 proverbialize29 misimprovement25 proveabilities21 proventricular21 proventriculus21 proverbialised22 proverbialises21 proverbialisms23 proverbialists21 proverbialized31 proverbializes30 misimprovements26 proverbialising23 proverbializing32 Show more ...
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