Crier is valid Scrabble Word

Is crier a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is crier valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for CRIER in dictionary:

Words related to CRIER

criers8 cryer10

Words that contain CRIER

criers8 decrier10 sucrier9 decriers11 descrier11 sucriers10 descriers12

How to use CRIER in a sentence

Similar words containing CRI without suffix er

cria6 crib8 crim8 crip8 cris6 crit6 acrid8 crias7 cribs9 crick13 cried8 cries7 crime9 crimp11 crims9 crine7 crios7 cripe9 crips9 crise7 crisp9 crith10 crits7 scrim9 scrip9 cribo9 criant8 crible10 cricks14 cricky17 criers8 crikey15 crimed11 crimen10 crimes10 crimps12 crimpy15 crinal8 crined9 crines8 cringe9 crinum10 cripes10 crises8 crisic10 crisis8 crisps10 crispy13 crissa8 crista8 criths11 critic10 picric12 scribe10 scried9 scries8 scrike12 scrimp12 scrims10 scrine8 scrips10 script10 scrive11 cringy12 acrider10 acridin10 acridly13 ascribe11 becrime13 cribbed14 cribber13 cribble13 cricked16 cricket15 crickey18 cricoid12 crimina11 crimine11 criming12 crimini11 criminy14 crimmer13 crimped14 crimper13 crimple13 crimson11 crinate9 cringed11 cringer10 cringes10 cringle10 crining10 crinite9 crinkle13 crinkly16 crinoid10 crinose9 crinums11 criollo9 crioses9 cripple13 crisped12 crispen11 crisper11 crispin11 crisply14 crissal9 crissum11 cristae9 critics11 critter9 crittur9 crivens12 decrial10 decried11 decrier10 decries10 eccrine11 epacrid12 epacris11 escribe11 eucrite9 micrify17 nacrite9 picrite11 sacrify15 sacring10 sacrist9 scribal11 scribed12 scriber11 scribes11 scriech14 scriene9 scrieve12 scriked14 scrikes13 scrimps13 scrimpy16 scrines9 scripts11 scritch14 scrived13 scrives12 sucrier9 tacrine9 cringey13 cribles11 acridest11 acridine11 acridins11 acridity14 acrimony15 adscript13 alacrity13 apocrine12 ascribed13 ascribes12 becrimed15 becrimes14 cancrine12 corncrib14 coscript14 cribbage15 cribbers14 cribbing15 cribbled15 cribbles14 cribella12 cribrate12 cribrose12 cribrous12 cribwork19 cricetid13 crickets16 cricking17 cricoids13 crimeful15 criminal12 criminis12 crimmers14 crimpers14 crimpier14 crimping15 crimpled15 crimples14 crimsons12 crinated11 cringers11 cringing12 cringles11 crinites10 crinkled15 crinkles14 crinoids11 criollos10 crippled15 crippler14 cripples14 crispate12 crispens12 crispers12 crispest12 crispier12 crispies12 crispily15 crisping13 crispins12 cristate10 criteria10 critical12 critique19 critters10 critturs10 crivvens16 decrials11 decriers11 describe13 descried12 descrier11 descries11 descrive14 eccrises12 eccrisis12 eccritic14 encrinal10 encrinic12 epacrids13 escribed13 escribes12 eucrites10 eucritic12 exocrine17 inscribe12 lacrimal12 nacrites10 noncrime12 outcried11 outcries10 picrites12 picritic14 rescript12 sacrings11 sacrists10 sacristy13 scribble14 scribbly17 scribers12 scribing13 scribism14 scriechs15 scrienes10 scrieved14 scrieves13 scriggle12 scriggly15 scriking15 scrimped15 scrimper14 scrimpit14 scrimply17 scrimure12 scripted13 scripter12 scriving14 subacrid13 sucriers10 tacrines10 cringier11 acridines12 acridness12 acritarch16 acritical13 adscripts14 anticrime13 ascribing14 autocrime13 autocrine11 becriming16 conacring14 conscribe15 conscript15 corncribs15 coscripts15 cribbages16 cribbings16 cribbling16 cribellar13 cribellum15 cribworks20 cricetids14 cricketed18 cricketer17 crimeless13 crimewave19 criminals13 criminate13 criminous13 crimpiest15 crimpling16
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