Cordial is valid Scrabble Word

Is cordial a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is cordial valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for CORDIAL in dictionary:

Words related to CORDIAL

cordially15 cordialness14 cordials11

Words that contain CORDIAL

cordials11 cordially15 uncordial12 concordial15 cordialise13 cordiality16 cordialize22 precordial15 cordialised15 cordialises14 cordialized24 cordializes23 cordialness14 praecordial16 cordialising16 cordialities15 cordializing25 cordialnesses16

How to use CORDIAL in a sentence

Similar words containing RDI without suffix al and without prefix co

cardi8 pardi8 bardic11 bardie9 birdie9 burdie9 cardia9 cardie9 cardio9 cardis9 fordid11 herdic12 nerdic9 nordic9 pardie9 perdie9 sordid8 verdin10 verdit10 wordie10 bardier10 bardies10 barding11 bardism12 beardie10 birdied11 birdies10 birding11 burdies10 cardiac12 cardiae10 cardias10 cardies10 carding11 cardios10 cording11 cordite10 curdier10 curding11 earding9 etourdi8 exordia15 farding12 fjordic20 fording12 giardia9 girding10 gordita9 gurdies9 hardier11 hardies11 hardily14 hardish14 herdics13 herding12 hording12 hurdies11 lardier8 larding9 lording9 mardied11 mardier10 mardies10 nardine8 narding9 nerdics10 nerdier8 nerdish11 nurdier8 nurdish11 ordinal8 ordinar8 ordinee8 ordines8 overdid12 pardine10 sardine8 sardius8 sordine8 sording9 sordini8 sordino8 surdity11 tardied9 tardier8 tardies8 tardily11 tardive11 tordion8 turdine8 turdion8 vardies11 verdict13 verdins11 verdite11 verdits11 wardian11 warding12 weirdie11 wordier11 Show more ...
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