Copter is valid Scrabble Word

Is copter a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is copter valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for COPTER in dictionary:

Words related to COPTER

copters11 helicopter17

Words that contain COPTER

copters11 gyrocopter18 helicopter17 quadcopter24 gyrocopters19 helicopters18 plecopteran17 quadcopters25 helicoptered20 plecopterans18 plecopterous18 helicoptering21 malacopterygian25

How to use COPTER in a sentence

Similar words containing PT without suffix er and without prefix co

apt5 opt5 apts6 dipt7 empt8 hept9 hipt9 kept10 lept6 opts6 ptui6 rapt6 ript6 sept6 tipt6 upta6 wept9 ympt11 adapt8 adept8 adopt8 apted8 apter7 aptly10 chapt12 clapt9 clept9 clipt9 coapt9 compt11 coopt9 crept9 crypt12 dempt10 depth11 dript8 dropt8 empts9 empty12 epopt9 erupt7 gript8 grypt11 inapt7 inept7 kempt13 leapt7 lepta7 nempt9 opted8 opter7 optic9 poupt9 septa7 septs7 slept7 slipt7 stept7 stopt7 swapt10 swept10 swopt10 tempt9 trapt7 typto10 umpty12 unapt7 uptak11 upter7 uptie7 whipt13 wrapt10 yrapt10 abrupt10 accept12 adapts9 adepts9 adopts9 aptest8 apting9 aptote8 bewept13 captan10 captor10 claspt10 coapts10 coempt12 compts12 coopts10 crypto13 crypts13 depths12 empted11 enrapt8 epopts10 erupts8 except17 exempt17 hapten11 haptic13 heptad12 humpty16 incept10 irrupt8 klepto12 laptop10 leptin8 lepton8 nipter8 numpty13 optant8 opters8 optics10 optima10 optime10 opting9 option8 peptic12 peptid11 prompt12 pteria8 pterin8 ptisan8 ptooey11 ptoses8 ptosis8 ptotic10 ptyxes18 ptyxis18 raptly11 raptor8 recept10 redipt9 script10 sculpt10 septal8 septet8 septic10 septum10 stript8 tempts10 tiptoe8 tiptop10 typtos11 unkept12 unwept11 uptake12 uptaks12 uptalk12 uptear8 uptick14 uptied9 upties8 uptilt8 uptime10 uptook12 uptore8 uptorn8 uptoss8 uptown11 upturn8 yclept13 ziptop19 equipt17 abrupts11 accepts13 accompt15 adapted11 adapter10 adaptor10 adepter10 adeptly13 adopted11 adoptee10 adopter10 aptamer11 apteral9 apteria9 apteryx19 aptness9 aptotes9 aptotic11 aseptic11 attempt11 baptise11 baptism13 baptist11 baptize20 bedropt12 beleapt11 benempt13 bewrapt14 bioptic13 bynempt16 captain11 captans11 captcha16 caption11 captive14 captors11 capture11 chapter14 coapted12 coempts13 compted14 compter13 concept13 coopted12 copters11 corrupt11 cryptal14 cryptic16 crypton14 cryptos14 decrypt15 dewlapt13 diopter10 dioptre10 diptera10 diptyca15 diptych18 dirempt12 discept12 disrupt10 droptop12 emptied12 emptier11 empties11 emptily14 empting12 emptins11 emption11 encrypt14 enswept12 erupted10 exapted17 excepts18 excerpt18 exempts18 glyptal13 glyptic15 haptene12 haptens12 haptics14 heptads13 heptane12 heptose12 hoptoad13 inaptly12 incepts11 inepter9 ineptly12 inswept12 irrupts9 kleptos13 krypton16 laptops11 laptray12 leptins9 leptome11 leptons9 mishapt14 miskept15 nipters9 nuptial9 optants9 optical11 optimal11 optimes11 optimum13 options9 outkept13 outwept12 overapt12 peeptoe11 peptalk15 peptics13 peptide12 peptids12 peptise11 peptize20 peptone11 percept13 periapt11 precept13 preempt13 prerupt11 prompts13 ptarmic13 pterins9 pterion9 pteroic11 pteryla12 ptisans9 ptomain11 ptyalin12 raptors9 rapture9 readapt10 readopt10
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