Copter is valid Scrabble Word

Is copter a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is copter valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for COPTER in dictionary:

Words related to COPTER

copters11 helicopter17

Words that contain COPTER

copters11 gyrocopter18 helicopter17 quadcopter24 gyrocopters19 helicopters18 plecopteran17 quadcopters25 helicoptered20 plecopterans18 plecopterous18 helicoptering21 malacopterygian25

How to use COPTER in a sentence

Similar words containing PT without suffix er and without prefix co

apt5 opt5 apts6 dipt7 empt8 hept9 hipt9 kept10 lept6 opts6 ptui6 rapt6 ript6 sept6 tipt6 upta6 wept9 ympt11 adapt8 adept8 adopt8 apted8 apter7 aptly10 chapt12 clapt9 clept9 clipt9 coapt9 compt11 coopt9 crept9 crypt12 dempt10 depth11 dript8 dropt8 empts9 empty12 epopt9 erupt7 gript8 grypt11 inapt7 inept7 kempt13 leapt7 lepta7 nempt9 opted8 opter7 optic9 poupt9 septa7 septs7 slept7 slipt7 stept7 stopt7 swapt10 swept10 swopt10 tempt9 trapt7 typto10 umpty12 unapt7 uptak11 upter7 uptie7 whipt13 wrapt10 yrapt10 abrupt10 accept12 adapts9 adepts9 adopts9 aptest8 apting9 aptote8 bewept13 captan10 captor10 claspt10 coapts10 coempt12 compts12 coopts10 crypto13 crypts13 depths12 empted11 enrapt8 epopts10 erupts8 except17 exempt17 hapten11 haptic13 Show more ...
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