Coapts is valid Scrabble Word

Is coapts a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is coapts valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for COAPTS in dictionary:

Words related to COAPTS

coapt9 coapted12 coapting13

Similar words containing APT without suffix s and without prefix co

apt5 apts6 rapt6 adapt8 apted8 apter7 aptly10 chapt12 clapt9 coapt9 inapt7 leapt7 swapt10 trapt7 unapt7 wrapt10 yrapt10 adapts9 aptest8 apting9 aptote8 captan10 captor10 enrapt8 hapten11 haptic13 laptop10 raptly11 raptor8 adapted11 adapter10 adaptor10 aptamer11 apteral9 apteria9 apteryx19 aptness9 aptotes9 aptotic11 baptise11 baptism13 baptist11 baptize20 beleapt11 bewrapt14 captain11 captans11 captcha16 caption11 captive14 captors11 capture11 chapter14 coapted12 dewlapt13 exapted17 haptene12 haptens12 haptics14 inaptly12 laptops11 laptray12 mishapt14 overapt12 periapt11 raptors9 rapture9 readapt10 rewrapt12 snaptin9 synapte12 unaptly12 upleapt11 usucapt11 zaptiah21 zaptieh21 inapter9 enwrapt12 inwrapt12 adapters11 adapting12 adaption11 adaptive14 adaptors11 aptamers12 apterism12 apterium12 apterous10 aptitude11 baptised13 baptiser12 baptises12 baptisia12 baptisms14 baptists12 baptized22 baptizer21 baptizes21 captains12 captchas17 Show more ...
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