Consuming is valid Scrabble Word

Is consuming a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is consuming valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for CONSUMING in dictionary:

Words related to CONSUMING

consume11 consumed13 consumes12 consumingly19 consumings15

Words that contain CONSUMING

consumings15 consumingly19 nonconsuming17 preconsuming19 overconsuming21

How to use CONSUMING in a sentence

Similar words containing NSUM without suffix ing and without prefix co

pensum10 sensum8 consume11 pensums11 consumed13 consumer12 consumes12 consumpt14 transume10 unsummed13 consumers13 consumpts15 responsum13 transumed12 transumes11 transumpt13 consumable16 consumedly18 consumings15 consummate16 preconsume16 responsums14 transuming13 transumpts14 unconsumed15 unsummered15 unsummoned15 consumables17 consumerism17 consumerist15 consumingly19 consummated18 consummates17 consummator17 consumption17 consumptive20 nonconsumer15 overconsume18 preconsumed18 preconsumes17 anticonsumer16 consumerisms18 consumerists16 consumership21 consummately21 consummating19 consummation18 consummative21 consummators18 consummatory21 consumptions18 consumptives21 inconsumable18 inconsumably21 nonconsumers16 nonconsuming17 overconsumed20 overconsumes19 preconsuming19 transumption16 transumptive19 postconsumer18 consumeristic19 consumerships22 consummations19 consumptively25 consumptivity25 overconsuming21 transumptions17 unconsummated20 anticonsumers17 nonconsumption20 nonconsumptive23 consumptiveness24 consumptivities24 nonconsumptions21 overconsumption24 overconsumptions25
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