Connect is valid Scrabble Word

Is connect a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is connect valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for CONNECT in dictionary:

Words related to CONNECT

connected14 connecter13 connecters14 connectible17 connecting15 connector13 connectors14 connects12

Words that contain CONNECT

connects12 connected14 connecter13 connector13 reconnect13 connecters14 connecting15 connection14 connective17 connectors14 disconnect15 misconnect16 reconnects14 connectable17 connectedly19 connectible17 connections15 connectives18 disconnects16 misconnects17 reconnected16 unconnected16 connectional16 connectively22 connectivity22 disconnected18 disconnecter17 interconnect16 misconnected19 reconnecting17 reconnection16 connectedness18 connectionism19 disconnecters18 disconnecting19 disconnection18 disconnective21 interconnects17 misconnecting20 misconnection19 nonconnection17 reconnections17 unconnectedly21 connectionist17 connectionisms20 connectivities21 disconnectedly23 disconnections19 interconnected19 interconnector18 misconnections20 nonconnections18 teleconnection18 connectionists18 connectednesses20 interconnecting20 interconnection19 interconnectors19 teleconnections19 unconnectedness20 disconnectednes21 interconnectedn20 interconnections20 disconnectedness22 disconnectednesses24 interconnectedness23 interconnectednesses25

How to use CONNECT in a sentence

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