Conical is valid Scrabble Word

Is conical a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is conical valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for CONICAL in dictionary:

Words related to CONICAL

conically16 conicity15

Words that contain CONICAL

iconical12 conically16 laconical13 obconical15 iconically17 laconically18 draconically20

How to use CONICAL in a sentence

Similar words containing NIC without suffix al and without prefix co

nice6 nick10 amnic9 conic9 cynic12 dinic8 genic8 ionic7 manic9 monic9 nicad8 nicer7 niche10 nicht10 nicks11 nicol7 panic9 runic7 snick11 sonic7 tonic7 tunic7 unica7 vinic10 xenic14 yonic10 nicky14 acinic10 aeonic8 agonic9 alnico8 aminic10 anicca10 anicut8 arnica8 atonic8 axenic15 axonic15 azonic17 bionic10 clinic10 clonic10 conics10 cyanic13 cynics13 dinics9 edenic9 ethnic11 exonic15 gymnic14 hyenic14 hymnic16 hypnic16 iconic10 ionics8 irenic8 ironic8 kaonic12 knicks16 limnic10 manics10 muonic10 neanic8 nicads9 nicely11 nicest8 nicety11 niched12 nicher11 niches11 nichts11 nicish11 nickar12 nicked13 nickel12 nicker12 nickle12 nickum14 nicols8 ovonic11 ozonic17 panick14 panics10 phenic13 phonic13 pianic10 picnic12 pionic10 pycnic15 pyknic17 quinic17 scenic10 snicks12 sonics8 tannic8 tonics8 tunica8 tunics8 uniced9 unicom10 Show more ...
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