Complex is valid Scrabble Word

Is complex a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is complex valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for COMPLEX in dictionary:

Words related to COMPLEX

complexed23 complexer22 complexes22 complexest23 complexing24 complexly25 complexness24 complexus22

Words that contain COMPLEX

complexed23 complexer22 complexes22 complexly25 complexus22 decomplex23 complexest23 complexify29 complexing24 complexion23 complexity26 complexone23 noncomplex23 complexions24 complexness24 complexones24 complexuses24 overcomplex27 complexation25 complexified29 complexifies28 complexional25 complexioned26 complexities25 hypercomplex33 complexations26 complexedness27 complexifying33 complexnesses26 immunocomplex30 complexionless27 complexometric31 complexednesses29 immunocomplexes32

How to use COMPLEX in a sentence

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