Cape is valid Scrabble Word

Is cape a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is cape valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for CAPE in dictionary:

Words related to CAPE

caped10 capes9 caping11

Words that contain CAPE

caped10 caper9 capes9 capex16 scape9 capers10 escape10 scaped11 scapes10 uncape10 capeesh14 capelan11 capelet11 capelin11 capered12 caperer11 capexes18 escaped12 escapee11 escaper11 escapes11 inscape11 uncaped12 uncapes11 airscape12 capelans12 capelets12 capeline12 capelins12 capellet12 caperers12 capering13 capeskin16 capework19 escapees12 escapers12 icescape14 inscapes12 manscape14 outcaper12 seascape12 skyscape19 capelike16 airscapes13 aquascape22 capelines13 capellets13 capelline13 capellini13 capeskins17 capeworks20 cityscape18 firescape16 hardscape17 icescapes15 landscape14 manscaped16 manscapes15 moonscape15 outcapers13 roofscape16 scapegoat14 scapeless13 scapement15 seascapes13 skyscapes20 snowscape16 softscape16 townscape16 xeriscape20 hellscape16 mindscape16 aquascapes23 bathyscape22 capellines14 caperingly18 capernoity17 cityscapes19 cloudscape17 escapeless14 escapement16 firescaped18 firescapes17 hardscapes18 landscaped16 landscaper15 landscapes15 moonscapes16 outcapered15 riverscape17 roofscapes17 scapegoats15 scapegrace17 scapements16 scapewheel20 snowscapes17 softscapes17 soundscape15 townscaped18 townscapes17 waterscape17 Show more ...

How to use CAPE in a sentence

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