Bets is valid Scrabble Word

Is bets a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is bets valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for BETS in dictionary:

Words related to BETS

bet5 betted9 betting10

Words that contain BETS

abets7 ebbets10 zibets17 barbets11 gambets12 gibbets12 gobbets12 rabbets11 sorbets9 thibets12 drabbets13 overbets13 sherbets13 alphabets16 zerumbets22 quodlibets22 analphabets18 flibbertigibbets28

How to use BETS in a sentence

Similar words containing BET without suffix s

bet5 abet6 beta6 bete6 beth9 ybet9 abets7 betas7 beted8 betel7 betes7 beths10 betid8 beton7 betta7 betty10 ebbet9 zibet16 barbet10 betake12 betcha13 beteem10 betels8 bethel11 betide9 betime10 beting9 betise8 betoil8 betons8 betony11 betook12 betoss8 betray11 betrim10 betrod9 bettas8 betted9 better8 bettor8 ebbets10 gambet11 gibbet11 gobbet11 rabbet10 rubbet10 sorbet8 surbet8 thibet11 zabeta17 zibeth20 zibets17 abettal9 abetted10 abetter9 abettor9 barbets11 betaine9 betaken13 betakes13 betaxed17 beteeme11 beteems11 bethank16 bethels12 bethink16 bethorn12 bethumb16 bethump16 betided11 betides10 betight13 betimed12 betimes11 betises9 betitle9 betoils9 betoken13 betrays12 betread10 betrims11 betroth12 betters9 betties9 betting10 bettong10 bettors9 between12 betwixt19 drabbet12 gambets12 gibbets12 gobbets12 hebetic14 overbet12 rabbets11 sherbet12 sorbets9 tabetic11 thibets12 turbeth12 zabetas18 zibeths21 abetment12 abettals10 abetters10 abetting11 abettors10 alphabet15 barbette12 betacism14 betaines10 betaking15 betatron10 betatter10 beteemed13 beteemes12 betelnut10 bethanks17 bethesda14 bethinks17 bethorns13 bethrall13 bethumbs17 bethumps17 bethwack22 betiding12 betiming13 betitled11 betitles10 betoiled11 betokens14 betonies10 betossed11 betosses10 betrayal13 betrayed14 betrayer13 betreads11 betroths13 bettered11 bettings11 bettongs11 betweens13 bimbette14 diabetes11 diabetic13 drabbets13 drabette11 gambetta13 gibbeted14 hebetant13 hebetate13 hebetude14 overbets13 rabbeted13 sherbets13 tabetics12 turbeths13 zerumbet21 abetments13 alphabets16 barbettes13 betacisms15 betatopic15 betatrons11 betatters11 beteeming14 betelnuts11 bethanked19 bethankit18 bethesdas15 bethorned15 bethought18 bethralls14 bethumbed19 bethumped19 bethwacks23 betitling12 betoiling12 betokened16 betossing12 betrayals14 betrayers14 betraying15 betrimmed16 betrodden13 betrothal14 betrothed15 bettering12 betumbled16 bimbettes15 courbette13 diabetics14 drabettes12 gambettas14 gibbeting15 gibbetted15 globetrot12 hebetated15 hebetates14 hebetudes15 quodlibet21 rabbeting14 rebbetzin22 unabetted12 zerumbets22 alphabeted18 alphabetic19 analphabet17 betacyanin17 betattered13 bethanking20 bethankits19 bethinking20 bethorning16 bethralled16 bethumbing20 bethumping20 bethwacked25 betokening17 betreading14 betrimming17 betrothals15 betrotheds16 betrothing16 betterings13 betterment14 bettermost14 betterness12 betweenity18 courbettes14 diabetical15 gibbetting16 globetrots13 hebetating16 hebetation15 hebetative18 nonbetting13 overbetted16 quodlibets22 rebbetzins23 unbetrayed16 unbettered13 alphabeting19 alphabetise18 alphabetize27 analphabete18 analphabets18 betacyanins18 betattering14 bethralling17 bethwacking26 betrothment18 betterments15 betulaceous15 betweenness16 betweentime18 hebetations16 nondiabetic16 overbetting17 prediabetes16 prediabetic18 quodlibetic25 alphabetical21 alphabetised20 alphabetiser19 alphabetises19 alphabetized29 alphabetizer28 alphabetizes28 analphabetes19 analphabetic21 antidiabetic17 betacarotene16 betrothments19 betternesses14 betweenbrain19 betweenities17 betweentimes19 diabetogenic18 globetrotted16 globetrotter15 hebetudinous18 nondiabetics17 overbettings18 prediabetics19 unbetterable16 alphabetarian20 alphabetiform25 alphabetisers20 alphabetising21 alphabetizers29 alphabetizing30 analphabetics22 analphabetism22 antidiabetics18 betacarotenes17 betweenbrains20 betweennesses18
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