Ave is valid Scrabble Word

Is ave a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ave valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for AVE in dictionary:

Words related to AVE


Words that contain AVE

avel7 aver7 aves7 cave9 eave7 fave10 gave8 have10 lave7 nave7 pave9 rave7 save7 wave10 agave9 avels8 avens8 avers8 avert8 awave11 brave10 caved11 cavel10 caver10 caves10 chave13 clave10 crave10 daven9 deave9 drave9 eaved9 eaves8 favel11 faver11 faves11 gavel9 grave9 haven11 haver11 haves11 heave11 javel15 knave12 laved9 laver8 laves8 leave8 loave8 maven10 navel8 naves8 navew11 oaves8 paved11 paven10 paver10 paves10 raved9 ravel8 raven8 raver8 raves8 ravey11 reave8 saved9 saver8 saves8 savey11 shave11 slave8 soave8 stave8 suave8 taver8 trave8 waved12 waver11 waves11 wavey14 weave11 agaves10 avenge10 avenir9 avenue9 averse9 averts9 beaver11 behave14 braved12 braver11 braves11 caveat11 cavels11 cavern11 cavers11 claver11 claves11 cleave11 craved12 craven11 Show more ...

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