Ands is valid Scrabble Word

Is ands a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ands valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ANDS in dictionary:

Words related to ANDS


Words that contain ANDS

bands8 fands9 hands9 lands6 pands8 rands6 sands6 wands9 abands9 alands7 blands9 brands9 elands7 glands8 grands8 shands10 stands7 viands10 handsy13 adlands9 argands9 bandsaw13 demands11 desands9 errands8 expands17 friands11 handsaw14 handsel11 handset11 inlands8 islands8 ligands9 oxlands15 relands8 remands10 ribands10 robands10 solands8 strands8 tarands8 unhands11 uplands10 wesands11 wezands20 armbands13 badlands12 bandsaws14 bandsman13 bandsmen13 bandster11 boglands12 brigands12 commands15 compands15 cotlands11 cowhands17 deodands11 disbands12 drylands13 elflands12 ellwands12 fenlands12 flyhands18 garlands10 gollands10 gormands12 gowlands13 grandsir10 grandson10 gumlands12 handsaws15 handsels12 handsets12 handsewn15 handsful15 handsome14 hatbands14 haybands17 hollands12 husbands14 lallands9 landside10 landskip15 landslid10 landslip11 landsman11 landsmen11 lawlands12 lowlands12 manbands13 midlands12 norlands9 operands11 outlands9 probands13 provands14 rebrands11 ribbands13 rimlands11 salbands11 sandshoe12 sandsoap11 sandspit11 sandspur11 summands13 sunlands9 toylands12 trolands9 turbands11 upstands11 warrands12 weasands12 weazands21 wessands12 wetlands12 handsier12 backbands20 backhands21 backlands18 bandshell15 bandstand13 bandsters12 barehands15 basebands14 bedstands13 booklands16 browbands17 bushlands15 cabstands14 clubhands17 clublands14 cornlands12 croplands14 deckhands20 dockhands20 docklands17 downlands14 dunelands11 eastlands10 eurolands10 fahlbands18 farmhands18 farmlands15 filmlands15 flatlands13 folklands17 foodlands14 forehands16 forelands13 ganglands12 gourmands13 graduands12 grandsire11 grandsirs11 grandsons11 hairbands15 handseled14 handshake20 handsomer15 handsomes15 handspike19 handstaff19 handstamp17 handstand14 handsturn13 hatstands13 headbands16 headlands14 highlands17 homelands15 honorands13 inkstands14 lacklands16 lakelands14 landscape14 landshark17 landsides11 landskips16 landsleit10 landslide11 landslips12 longhands14 mainlands12 maximands21 metewands15 millhands15 misbrands14 moorlands12 mosslands12 neckbands18 nosebands12 ordinands11 outstands10 overhands16 overlands13 parklands16 passbands14 peatlands12 pinelands12 platbands14 playlands15 plowlands15 portlands12 radicands13 rainbands12 redemands13 sandshoes13 sandsoaps12 sandspits12 sandspout12 sandspurs12 sandstone10 sandstorm12 sarabands12 scablands14 shedhands17 shetlands13 sidebands13 sloblands12 snowlands13 soaplands12 stopbands14 thousands13 tidelands11 townlands13 washlands16 wavebands18 widebands16 wildlands14 woodlands14 yardlands14 yardwands17 bandsawed16 handsiest13 ampersands15 amperzands24 analysands14 bandshells16 bandstands14 bellybands18 benchlands18 blackbands21 blacklands19 bookstands17 broadbands16 brushlands16 caskstands17 cloudlands14 coastlands13 coatstands13 crossbands15 crownlands16 doctorands14 dreamlands14 duplicands16 engarlands12 fairylands17 firebrands16 grandsires12 grandstand13 grandstood13 grasslands12 greenhands15 greensands12 hallstands14 handseling15 handselled15 handshakes21 handsomely19 handsomest16 handspikes20 handspring17 handstaffs20 handstamps18 handstands15 handstaves17 handstroke18 handsturns14 hardstands15 headstands15 heartlands14 heathlands17 homestands16 integrands12 kickstands21 lampstands15 landscaped16 landscaper15 landscapes15 landsharks18 landslides12 linkslands15 lotuslands11 marchlands18 marshlands16 movielands16 newsstands14 nondemands14 northlands14

Similar words containing AND without suffix s

and4 band7 fand8 hand8 land5 mand7 pand7 rand5 sand5 wand8 aband8 aland6 andro6 banda8 bandh11 bands8 bandy11 bland8 brand8 candy11 dandy10 eland6 fands9 gandy10 gland7 grand7 hands9 handy12 kandy13 lande6 lands6 mandi8 nandu6 panda8 pands8 pandy11 rands6 randy9 sands6 sandy9 scand8 shand9 stand6 vanda9 viand9 wands9 handi9 danda7 abands9 adland8 alands7 ananda7 andros7 argand8 bandar9 bandas9 banded10 bander9 bandhs12 bandit9 bandog10 blands9 brands9 brandy12 candid10 candie9 candle9 candor9 dander8 dandle8 demand10 desand8 elands7 errand7 expand16 fanded11 fandom12 farand10 friand10 gander8 glands8 grande8 grands8 handax17 handed11 hander10 handle10 inland7 island7 khanda14 landau7 landed8 lander7 landes7 ligand8 mandir9 mandis9 mandom11 nandin7 nandoo7 nandus7 nhandu10 oxland14 pandan9 pandar9 pandas9 pander9 pandit9 randan7 randed8 randem9 randie7 random9 randon7 reland7 remand9 repand9 riband9 roband9 sandal7 sanded8 sandek11 sander7 sandhi10 shands10 shandy13 soland7 stands7 strand7 tandem9 tarand7 unhand10 uphand12 upland9 vandal10 vandas10 viands10 wander10 wandle10 wandoo10 wesand10 wezand19 zander16 jandal14 handsy13 standi7 abanded11 abandon10 adlands9 amandla10 anandas8 andante8 andiron8 android9 andvile11 argands9 armband12 astrand8 badland11 bandage11 bandaid11 bandana10 bandari10 bandars10 bandbox19 bandeau10 banders10 bandied11 bandier10 bandies10 banding11 bandito10 bandits10 bandogs11 bandook14 bandora10 bandore10 bandrol10 bandsaw13 bandura10 blanded11 blander10 blandly13 bogland11 branded11 brander10 brigand11 calando10 candela10 candent10 candida11 candids11 candied11 candies10 candiru10 candled11 candler10 candles10 candock16 candors10 candour10 command14 compand14 cotland10 cowhand16 danders9 dandier9 dandies9 dandify15 dandily12 dandled10 dandler9 dandles9 demands11 deodand10 desands9 diandry12 disband11 dryland12 dvandva15 elfland11 ellwand11 errands8 expands17 fanding12 fandoms13 farrand11 fenland11 flyhand17 friande11 friands11 ganders9 garland9 gelande9 glandes9 golland9 gormand11 gowland12 grandad10 grandam11 grandee9 grander9 grandly12 grandma11 grandpa11 handaxe18 handbag14 handcar13 handers11 handfed15 handful14 handgun12 handier11 handily14 handing12 handism13 handjar18 handjob20 handled12 handler11 handles11 handoff17 handout11 handsaw14 handsel11 handset11 hatband13 hayband16 hieland11 holland11 husband13 inlands8 islands8 kandies12 khandas15 lalland8 landaus8 landers8 landing9 landler8 landman10 landmen10 lawland11 ligands9 lowland11 manband12 mandala10 mandate10 mandioc12 mandira10 mandirs10 mandola10 mandoms12 mandora10 mandrel10 mandril10 meander10 midband13 midland11 mutanda10
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