Aft is valid Scrabble Word

Is aft a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is aft valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for AFT in dictionary:

Words that contain AFT

baft9 daft8 haft10 raft7 saft7 waft10 abaft10 after8 bafts10 chaft13 craft10 draft9 graft9 hafts11 kraft12 rafts8 shaft11 wafts11 afters9 aftosa9 caftan11 chafts14 crafts11 crafty14 daftar10 dafter10 daftie10 daftly13 drafts10 drafty13 grafts10 hafted13 hafter12 kaftan13 krafts13 mafted12 maftir11 rafted10 rafter9 safter9 shafts12 upwaft14 wafted13 wafter12 zaftig19 aftmost12 aftosas10 caftans12 crafted13 crafter12 daftars11 daftest11 dafties11 drafted12 draftee11 drafter11 engraft11 grafted12 grafter11 haftara13 hafters13 hafting14 indraft11 ingraft11 kaftans14 maftirs12 rafters10 rafting11 raftman12 raftmen12 redraft11 regraft11 saftest10 shafted14 shafter13 updraft13 upwafts15 waftage14 wafters13 wafting14 wafture13 aftereye14 aftersun11 aftertax18 aircraft13 airshaft14 caftaned14 camshaft18 crafters13 craftier13 craftily16 crafting14 daftness12 draftees12 drafters12 draftier12 draftily15 drafting13 engrafts12 graftage13 grafters12 Show more ...

How to use AFT in a sentence

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