Acidity is valid Scrabble Word

Is acidity a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is acidity valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ACIDITY in dictionary:

Words related to ACIDITY


Words that contain ACIDITY

placidity17 peracidity18 subacidity18 hypoacidity25 hyperacidity26

How to use ACIDITY in a sentence

Similar words containing ACID without suffix ity

acid7 acids8 acidy11 acider9 acidic11 acidly12 diacid10 placid11 acidest10 acidier10 acidify16 antacid10 diacids11 monacid12 nonacid10 oxyacid20 peracid12 subacid12 triacid10 acidemia13 acidhead15 acidiest11 acidness11 acidoses11 acidosis11 acidotic13 aciduria11 antacids11 characid16 diacidic14 hydracid18 hypoacid19 monacids13 monoacid13 nonacids11 oxyacids21 peracids13 placider13 placidly16 polyacid16 tetracid11 triacids11 unacidic13 acidemias14 acidheads16 acidified16 acidifier15 acidifies15 acidities12 acidophil17 acidulate12 acidulent12 acidulous12 acidurias12 characids17 deacidify19 hydracids19 hyperacid20 miracidia14 monacidic16 monoacids14 nonacidic14 placidest14 placidity17 polyacids17 subacidly17 teniacide12 tetracids12 acidfreak19 acidically18 acidifiers16 acidifying20 acidimeter15 acidimetry18 acidnesses13 acidometer15 acidophile18 acidophils18 acidulated14 acidulates13 miracidial15 miracidium17 monoacidic17 peracidity18 placidness15 pseudoacid16 subacidity18 taeniacide13 teniacides13 acidfreaks20 acidanthera17 acidifiable19 acidimeters16 acidimetric18 acidometers16 acidophiles19 acidophilic21 acidophilus19 acidulating15 acidulation14 deacidified19 deacidifies18 hypoacidity25 placidities16 pseudoacids17 subacidness16 taeniacides14 acidantheras18 acidimetries17 acidophilous20 acidulations15 deacidifying23 hyperacidity26 peracidities17 placidnesses17 subacidities17 ketoacidosis19 ketoacidoses19 acidification21 acidimetrical20 acidophiluses21 aminoaciduria18 hypoacidities24 subacidnesses18 acidifications22 aminoacidurias19 hyperacidities25 trichomonacide24 acidimetrically25 deacidification24 trichomonacidal25 trichomonacides25 deacidifications25
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