Var is valid Scrabble Word

Is var a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is var valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for VAR in dictionary:

Words related to VAR


Words that contain VAR

vara7 vare7 vars7 vary10 alvar8 invar8 navar8 ovary11 varan8 varas8 vardy12 varec10 vares8 varia8 varix15 varna8 varus8 varve11 alvars9 covary14 invars9 lekvar13 louvar9 navars9 svaraj16 valvar12 varans9 varech14 varecs11 varias9 varied10 varier9 varies9 varlet9 varnas9 varoom11 varroa9 varsal9 varved13 varvel12 varves12 vivary15 vulvar12 avarice12 bolivar12 calvary15 chivari15 havarti13 lekvars14 louvars10 navarch15 navarho13 navarin10 olivary13 ovarial10 ovarian10 ovaries10 samovar12 savarin10 serovar10 vardies11 varechs15 vareuse10 variant10 variate10 varices12 variers10 variety13 variola10 variole10 various10 varlets10 varment12 varmint12 varnish13 varooms12 varroas10 varsity13 varuses10 varvels13 varying14 vivaria13 aardvark16 avarices13 bavarois13 bolivars13 boshvark20 calvaria13 chivaree16 covaried14 covaries13 cultivar13 havartis14 navarchs16 navarchy19 navarhos14 navarins11 ovariole11 ovarious11 ovaritis11 salivary14 Show more ...

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