Soph is valid Scrabble Word

Is soph a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is soph valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SOPH in dictionary:

Words related to SOPH

sophomore16 sophs10

Words that contain SOPH

sophs10 sophy13 sophies12 sophism14 sophist12 basophil15 esophagi14 isophone13 isophote13 mesophyl18 pansophy18 sopheric15 sopherim15 sophisms15 sophists13 theosoph16 basophile16 basophils16 esophagus15 gymnosoph20 isophones14 isophotal14 isophotes14 mesophile16 mesophyll19 mesophyls19 mesophyte19 oesophagi15 pansophic18 sciosophy19 sophister14 sophistic16 sophistry17 sophomore16 theosophs17 theosophy20 basophiles17 basophilia17 basophilic19 chrysophan23 drosophila16 esophageal16 gastrosoph16 gymnosophs21 gymnosophy24 gypsophila21 hypsophobe25 hypsophyll26 mesophiles17 mesophilic19 mesophylls20 mesophytes20 mesophytic22 mysophobia22 nosophobia17 oesophagus16 pansophies17 pansophism19 pansophist17 philosophe20 philosophy23 sophisters15 sophomores17 sophomoric19 theosopher18 theosophic20 anisophylly22 basophilias18 chrysophans24 chrysophyte27 drosophilae17 drosophilas17 esophagitis17 esophaguses17 gastrosophs17 gastrosophy20 gypsophilas22 hypsophobes26 hypsophobia26 hypsophylls27 mesophyllic23 mysophobias23 nasopharynx26 nosophobias18 oesophageal17 pansophical20 pansophisms20 pansophists18 philosopher21 philosophes21 philosophic23 sciosophies18 sophistical18 sophistries16 theosophers19 theosophies19 theosophise19 theosophism21 theosophist19 theosophize28 chrysophytes28 Show more ...

How to use SOPH in a sentence

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