Soli is valid Scrabble Word

Is soli a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is soli valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SOLI in dictionary:

Words related to SOLI

solo4 solos5

Words that contain SOLI

solid6 solidi7 solids7 soling7 solion6 solito6 solive9 isoline7 rosolio7 solicit9 solider8 solidly11 solidum10 solidus8 solions7 soliped10 soliton7 solives10 unsolid8 biosolid11 gasolier9 gasoline9 isolines8 mesolite10 nonsolid9 pisolite10 pisolith13 podsolic13 resoling9 rosolios8 sassolin8 solicits10 solicity13 solidago10 solidare9 solidary12 solidate9 solidest9 solidify15 solidish12 solidism11 solidist9 solidity12 solidums11 solipeds11 soliquid18 solitary11 solitons8 solitude9 biosolids12 consoling12 cytosolic16 gasoliers10 gasolines10 gasolinic12 latosolic11 mesolites11 nonsolids10 pisolites11 pisoliths14 pisolitic13 podsolise12 podsolize21 sassolins9 sassolite9 semisolid12 solicited12 solicitor11 solidagos11 solidares10 solidated11 solidates10 solidisms12 solidists10 solidness10 soliloquy21 solipsism13 solipsist11 soliquids19 solitaire9 solitudes10 unsolidly13 aerosolise10 aerosolize19 chrysolite18 hydrosolic19 insolidity14 podsolised14 podsolises13 podsolized23 podsolizes22 resolidify17 sassolites10 semisolids13 solicitant12 solicities12 soliciting13 solicitors12 solicitous12 solicitude13 solidarism13 Show more ...

How to use SOLI in a sentence

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