Sock is valid Scrabble Word

Is sock a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is sock valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SOCK in dictionary:

Words related to SOCK

socked13 socking14 sockless14 socks11 sox10

Words that contain SOCK

socko11 socks11 socked13 socket12 bedsock16 cassock15 hassock16 lassock13 popsock17 sockets13 sockeye16 socking14 sockman15 sockmen15 tussock13 bedsocks17 cassocks16 hassocks17 hassocky20 kneesock18 lassocks14 popsocks18 socketed15 sockette14 sockeyes17 sockless14 tussocks14 tussocky17 unsocket14 windsock18 bobbysock24 cassocked18 chopsocky25 kneesocks19 socketing16 sockettes15 tussocked16 unsockets15 windsocks19 bobbysocks25 unsocketed17 tussockier16 hassockier19 chopsockies24 sockdolager19 sockdoliger19 sockdologer19 unsocketing18 tussockiest17 hassockiest20 sockdolagers20 sockdoligers20 sockdologers20 whoopensocker27

How to use SOCK in a sentence

Find what other words can be done using letters: "sock"
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