Sine is valid Scrabble Word

Is sine a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is sine valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SINE in dictionary:

Words related to SINE

sined6 sines5 sinical9 sining7 syne7

Words that contain SINE

sined6 sines5 sinew8 arsine6 cosine8 desine7 eosine6 lysine9 rusine6 sasine6 sinews9 sinewy12 ursine6 arcsine9 arsines7 basined10 basinet9 byssine12 cassine9 cosines9 cuisine9 desined9 desines8 eosines7 inosine7 insinew10 lysines10 pepsine11 resined8 resiner7 rosined8 rosiner7 sasines7 sinewed11 unsinew10 versine10 andesine9 arcsines10 basinets10 bassinet10 business10 cassines10 ceresine10 coosined11 cosiness10 cuisines10 cytisine13 cytosine13 desinent9 draisine9 easiness8 fuchsine16 glassine9 inosines8 insinews11 kerosine12 nosiness8 pepsines12 resiners8 rosiners8 rosiness8 sinecure10 sinewier11 sinewing12 tyrosine11 unsinews11 versines11 adenosine10 andesines10 antsiness9 arccosine13 artsiness9 bassinets11 bombasine15 bossiness11 businessy14 ceresines11 coversine14 cytisines14 cytosines14 desinence12 ditsiness10 draisines10 fuchsines17 fussiness12 gassiness10 glassines10 goosiness10 guanosine10 gutsiness10 haversine15 horsiness12 insinewed13 kerosines13 limousine11 lousiness9 massiness11 messiness11 mossiness11 mousiness11 mumsiness13 Show more ...

How to use SINE in a sentence

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