Semi is valid Scrabble Word

Is semi a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is semi valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SEMI in dictionary:

Words related to SEMI

semis7 semises9

Words that contain SEMI

semie7 semis7 semies8 semina8 casemix18 semidry13 semifit12 semilog10 semimat11 seminal9 seminar9 semiped12 semipro11 semiraw12 semises9 semitar9 gelsemia11 semiarid11 semibald13 semibold13 semibull12 semicoma14 semideaf14 semidome13 semigala11 semihard14 semihigh17 semihobo15 semillon10 semilune10 semimatt12 semimild13 semimute12 seminars10 seminary13 seminate10 seminoma12 seminude11 semiopen12 semioses10 semiosis10 semiotic12 semioval13 semipeds13 semipros12 semisoft13 semitars10 semitaur10 semitist10 semitone10 semiwild14 trisemic12 casemixes20 frusemide15 gelsemine12 gelsemium14 horsemint14 monosemic15 polysemic18 semiangle12 semibolds14 semibreve16 semibulls13 semicolon13 semicomas15 semicured14 semideify18 semidomed15 semidomes14 semidrier12 semidwarf18 semierect13 semifinal14 semifluid15 semigalas12 semiglobe14 semigloss12 semigroup14 semihobos16 semillons11 semilunar11 semilunes11 semimatte13 semimetal13 semimicro15 semimoist13 semimutes13 seminally14 seminated12 seminates11 seminomad14 seminomas13 semiology15 semiotics13 semipious13 semiplume15 semipolar13 semirigid13 semiround12 semirural11 semisolid12 Show more ...

How to use SEMI in a sentence

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