Plasm is valid Scrabble Word

Is plasm a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is plasm valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PLASM in dictionary:

Words related to PLASM

plasma10 plasms10

Words that contain PLASM

plasma10 plasms10 plasmas11 plasmic13 plasmid12 plasmin11 plasmon11 axoplasm19 bioplasm14 exoplasm19 neoplasm12 plasmids13 plasmins12 plasmoid13 plasmons12 alloplasm13 axoplasms20 bioplasms15 cataplasm15 cytoplasm18 ectoplasm15 endoplasm14 exoplasms20 germplasm16 idioplasm14 metaplasm15 neoplasms13 periplasm15 piroplasm15 plasmagel14 plasmasol13 plasmatic15 plasmodia14 plasmoids14 alloplasms14 archiplasm19 archoplasm19 axoplasmic23 bioplasmic18 cataplasms16 cytoplasms19 deutoplasm15 ectoplasms16 endoplasms15 germplasms17 homoplasmy22 hyaloplasm20 idioplasms15 karyoplasm21 metaplasms16 mycoplasma21 neuroplasm14 periplasms16 piroplasma16 piroplasms16 plasmagels15 plasmagene15 plasmasols14 plasmodesm17 plasmodial15 plasmodium17 plasmogamy20 plasmolyse17 plasmolyze26 plasmosoma16 plasmosome16 protoplasm16 sarcoplasm16 toxoplasma21 alloplasmic17 archiplasms20 archoplasms20 cytoplasmic22 deutoplasms16 ectoplasmic19 endoplasmic18 hyaloplasms21 idioplasmic18 karyoplasms22 metaplasmic19 mycoplasmal22 mycoplasmas22 neuroplasms15 nucleoplasm17 plasmagenes16 plasmagenic18 plasmalemma19 plasmatical17 plasminogen16 plasmodesma18 plasmodesms18 plasmolysed19 plasmolyses18 plasmolysis18 plasmolytic20 plasmolyzed28 plasmolyzes27 plasmosomes17 protoplasms17 sarcoplasms17 somatoplasm17 Show more ...

How to use PLASM in a sentence

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