Lur is valid Scrabble Word

Is lur a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is lur valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LUR in dictionary:

Words related to LUR


Words that contain LUR

blur6 lure4 lurk8 lurs4 slur4 alure5 blurb9 blurs7 blurt7 flurr8 lurch10 lured6 lurer5 lures5 lurex12 lurgi6 lurgy9 lurid6 lurks9 lurry8 lurve8 slurb7 slurp7 slurs5 allure6 alures6 blurbs10 blurry11 blurts8 colure8 flurrs9 flurry12 glurge8 lurdan7 lurden7 lurers6 lurgis7 luring7 lurked11 lurker10 lurves9 plural8 plurry11 slurbs8 slurps8 slurpy11 slurry9 slurve9 splurt8 velure9 allured8 allurer7 allures7 blurbed12 blurred10 blurted10 blurter9 colures9 failure10 flurred11 glurges9 gyplure13 lurched13 lurcher12 lurches12 lurdane8 lurdans8 lurdens8 lurexes14 lurgies8 lurider8 luridly11 lurings8 lurkers11 lurking12 lurries7 plurals9 silurid8 slurban9 slurped10 slurper9 slurred8 slurves10 soilure7 splurge10 splurgy13 splurts9 velured11 velures10 allurers8 alluring9 blurbing13 blurbist12 blurrier10 blurrily13 blurring11 blurters10 blurting11 chyluria16 ciselure10 doublure11 Show more ...

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