Liter is valid Scrabble Word

Is liter a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is liter valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LITER in dictionary:

Words related to LITER

lite4 liters6 litre5

Words that contain LITER

liters6 literal7 politer9 literacy13 literals8 literary11 literate8 literati8 literato8 literose8 aliteracy14 aliterate9 biliteral11 decaliter12 deciliter12 dekaliter14 impoliter13 kiloliter13 literally12 literates9 literatim11 literator9 literatus9 aliterates10 alliterate10 centiliter12 decaliters13 deciliters13 dekaliters15 formaliter15 hectoliter15 illiteracy15 illiterate10 kiloliters14 literacies12 literalise10 literalism12 literalist10 literality13 literalize19 literarily13 literately13 literation10 literators10 literature10 literosity13 microliter14 milliliter12 nonliteral10 obliterate12 triliteral10 uniliteral10 unliterary13 aliteracies13 alliterated12 alliterates11 centiliters13 hectoliters16 illiterates11 literalised12 literaliser11 literalises11 literalisms13 literalists11 literalized21 literalizer20 literalizes20 literalness11 literaryism16 literations11 literatured12 literatures11 microliters15 milliliters13 nonliterary14 nonliterate11 obliterated14 obliterates13 obliterator13 overliteral14 preliteracy18 preliterary16 preliterate13 subliteracy18 subliterary16 subliterate13 triliterals11 alliterating13 alliteration12 alliterative15 antiliterate12 illiteracies14 illiterately15 literalisers12 literalising13 literalistic14 literalities12 literalizers21 literalizing22 literariness12 literaryisms17 Show more ...

How to use LITER in a sentence

Similar words containing LIT without suffix er

lit3 alit4 blit6 clit6 flit7 glit5 lite4 lith7 lits4 litu4 slit4 blite7 blits7 blitz16 clits7 elite5 enlit5 flite8 flits8 flitt8 glits6 glitz15 litai5 litas5 lited6 lites5 lithe8 litho8 liths8 litre5 relit5 slits5 split7 unlit5 uplit7 aplite8 blites8 blithe11 clitic10 daylit10 elites6 eolith9 finlit9 flitch14 flited10 flites9 flitts9 gaslit7 glitch12 glitzy19 halite9 illite6 iolite6 kidlit11 litany9 litchi11 liters6 litest6 lithed10 lither9 lithes9 lithia9 lithic11 lithos9 liting7 litmus8 litres6 litten6 litter6 little6 lituus6 mislit8 nirlit6 oolite6 oolith9 pelite8 polite8 polity11 skylit13 slitty9 solito6 splits8 sunlit6 tallit6 twilit9 ulitis6 ability12 agility11 anality10 anility10 aplites9 aplitic11 backlit15 blither12 blitted10 blitter9 blitzed19 blitzer18 blitzes18 clitics11 Show more ...
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