Laths is valid Scrabble Word

Is laths a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is laths valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LATHS in dictionary:

Words related to LATHS

lath7 lathed10 lathing11

How to use LATHS in a sentence

Similar words containing LATH without suffix s

lath7 lathe8 lathi8 lathy11 lathed10 lathee9 lathen9 lather9 lathes9 lathis9 blather12 calathi12 lathees10 lathers10 lathery13 lathier10 lathing11 slather10 blathers13 calathea13 calathos13 calathus13 flathead15 lathered12 latherer11 lathiest11 lathings12 lathlike15 lathwork18 lathyrus14 slathers11 blathered15 blatherer14 calatheas14 clathrate14 flatheads16 latherers12 latherier12 lathering13 lathworks19 lathyrism17 malathion14 slathered13 blatherers15 blathering16 clathrates15 latheriest13 lathyrisms18 lathyritic18 lathyruses16 malathions15 slathering14 blatherings17 blatherskite21 blatherskites22
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