Gigs is valid Scrabble Word

Is gigs a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is gigs valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for GIGS in dictionary:

Words related to GIGS

gig5 gigged10 gigging11

Words that contain GIGS

fisgigs12 fizgigs21 fishgigs16 fizzgigs31 whirligigs18

How to use GIGS in a sentence

Similar words containing GIG without suffix s

gig5 giga6 gigas7 gighe10 gigot7 gigue7 fisgig11 fizgig20 gigged10 giggit9 giggle9 giggly12 giglet8 giglot8 gigman10 gigmen10 gigolo8 gigots8 gigues8 fisgigs12 fishgig15 fizgigs21 fizzgig30 gigabit11 gigaton9 gigging11 giggits10 giggled11 giggler10 giggles10 giglets9 giglots9 gigolos9 fishgigs16 fizzgigs31 gigabits12 gigabyte15 gigaflop15 gigantic12 gigatons10 gigawatt13 giggited12 gigglers11 gigglier11 giggling12 gigavolt13 fizgigged25 gigabytes16 gigacycle18 gigaflops16 gigahertz23 gigantean11 gigantism13 gigawatts14 giggiting13 giggliest12 gigglings13 gigmanity16 whirligig17 gigavolts14 fizgigging26 gigacycles19 gigantisms14 gigglesome15 gigglingly17 whirligigs18 giggliness13 gigahertzes25 gigantesque22 giganticide16 gigantology17 gigmanities15 gigantically19 giganticides17 giganticness16 gigantomachy24 gigglinesses15 gigantologies16 gigantomachia22 giganticnesses18 gigantomachias23 gigantomachies23
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