Fy is valid Scrabble Word

Is fy a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is fy valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for FY in dictionary:

Words that contain FY

affy13 awfy13 defy11 fyce12 fyke14 fyle10 fyrd11 iffy13 offy13 oofy10 arefy11 baffy16 beefy13 biffy16 boofy13 buffy16 comfy15 daffy15 deify12 edify12 faffy17 fuffy17 fyces13 fyked16 fykes15 fyles11 fyrds12 fytte11 goofy12 gulfy12 huffy17 jiffy21 leafy11 miffy16 niffy14 poofy13 puffy16 reefy11 reify11 roofy11 surfy11 taffy14 toffy14 turfy11 unify11 woofy14 selfy11 aerify12 affyde16 argufy13 aurify12 basify14 calefy14 casefy14 chaffy20 cheffy20 chuffy20 citify14 cityfy17 cliffy17 codify15 draffy16 fluffy18 fyking17 fylfot15 fynbos14 fyttes12 gamify15 gasify13 gruffy16 humefy17 humify17 ignify13 konfyt16 ladify13 ladyfy16 lenify12 madefy15 minify14 modify15 munify14 nazify21 nidify13 notify12 omnify14 ossify12 pacify16 pluffy17 pouffy17 purify14 ramify14 rarefy12 rarify12 ratify12 redefy13 rubefy14 rubify14 salify12 sanify12 scaffy17 scurfy14 Show more ...

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