Format is valid Scrabble Word

Is format a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is format valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for FORMAT in dictionary:

Words related to FORMAT

formated14 formating15 formats12 formatted15 formatter14 formatters15 formatting16

Words that contain FORMAT

formate12 formats12 formated14 formates13 reformat13 formating15 formation14 formative17 formatted15 formatter14 preformat16 reformate14 reformats14 formations15 formatives18 formatters15 formatting16 preformats17 reformates15 deformation17 deformative20 formational16 formatively22 formattings17 informatics18 information16 informatise16 informative19 informatize25 informatory19 reformation16 reformative19 reformatory19 reformatted17 unformatted17 conformation19 deformations18 informations17 informatised18 informatises17 informatized27 informatizes26 malformation19 misformation19 performative22 performatory22 preformation19 preformative22 preformatted20 reformations17 reformatting18 conformations20 deformational19 formativeness21 informatician20 informational18 informatising19 informatively24 informatizing28 informatorily21 malformations20 misformations20 performatives23 preformations20 preformatives23 preformatting21 reformational18 reformatories18 uninformative21 bioinformatic22 bioinformatics23 conformational21 disinformation20 informaticians21 misinformation21 noninformation19 performatively27 reformationist19 transformation19 transformative22 disinformations21 formativenesses23 informationally23 informatisation20 informativeness23 informatization29 malconformation24 misinformations22 noninformations20 preformationism24 preformationist22 reformationists20 transformations20 uninformatively26 transformationa20 biotransformati22 retransformatio20 counterreformat22 transformational21 retransformation21 preformationists23 Show more ...

How to use FORMAT in a sentence

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