Etat is valid Scrabble Word

Is etat a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is etat valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for ETAT in dictionary:

Words related to ETAT

etats5 state5

Words that contain ETAT

etats5 metate8 acetate9 aetatis7 etatism9 etatist7 metatag10 metates9 acetated11 acetates10 betatron10 betatter10 etatisme10 etatisms10 etatiste8 fetation11 hebetate13 metatags11 vegetate12 betatopic15 betatrons11 betatters11 etatismes11 etatistes9 fetations12 foetation12 getatable12 hebetated15 hebetates14 metatarsi11 vegetated14 vegetates13 betattered13 foetations13 hebetating16 hebetation15 hebetative18 metatarsal12 metatarsus12 metatheory18 metatheses15 metathesis15 metathetic17 metathorax22 revegetate14 subacetate14 triacetate12 vegetating15 vegetation14 vegetative17 betattering14 hebetations16 metatarsals13 metatherian16 metathesise16 metathesize25 oxalacetate20 revegetated16 revegetates15 subacetates15 superfetate16 triacetates13 ungetatable14 vegetatings16 vegetations15 vegetatious15 interpretate14 metatheories17 metatherians17 metathesised18 metathesises17 metathesized27 metathesizes26 metathetical19 metathoraces19 metathoracic21 metathoraxes24 metatungstic17 oxalacetates21 oxaloacetate21 revegetating17 revegetation16 superfetated18 superfetates17 vegetational16 vegetatively22 metatarsuses14 fluoroacetate18 interpretated16 interpretates15 metathesising19 metathesizing28 oxaloacetates22 revegetations17 superfetating19 superfetation18 antimetatheses19 antimetathesis19 castrametation18 fluoroacetates19 interpretating17 Show more ...

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