Enframed is valid Scrabble Word

Is enframed a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is enframed valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ENFRAMED in dictionary:

Words related to ENFRAMED

enframe12 enframes13 enframing15

How to use ENFRAMED in a sentence

Similar words containing FRAM without suffix ed and without prefix en

frame10 framed12 framer11 frames11 enframe12 framers12 framing13 frampal14 offramp17 reframe12 wolfram15 airframe13 bedframe16 enframes13 framable15 framings14 frampler15 frampold16 keyframe20 misframe15 offramps18 reframed14 reframes13 subframe15 unframed14 wolframs16 frameset13 airframes14 bedframes17 doorframe15 enframing15 frambesia16 framboise16 frameable16 frameless14 framework21 framplers16 headframe18 keyframes21 mainframe16 misframed17 misframes16 packframe22 reframing15 subframes16 timeframe16 wireframe17 doorframes16 frambesias17 framboesia17 framboises17 frameshift21 frameworks22 headframes19 mainframes17 misframing18 packframes23 timeframes17 wireframes18 wolframite18 spaceframe19 enframement18 framboesias18 frameshifts22 wolframites19 spaceframes20 enframements19 inframaxillary29
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