Defter is valid Scrabble Word

Is defter a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is defter valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DEFTER in dictionary:

Words related to DEFTER

deft8 deftest11

How to use DEFTER in a sentence

Similar words containing FT without suffix er and without prefix de

aft6 eft6 oft6 baft9 coft9 daft8 deft8 efts7 gift8 haft10 heft10 left7 lift7 loft7 pfft12 raft7 reft7 rift7 saft7 sift7 soft7 tift7 toft7 tuft7 waft10 weft10 yuft10 abaft10 after8 aleft8 aloft8 bafts10 bufty13 chaft13 cleft10 clift10 craft10 croft10 cruft10 delft9 draft9 drift9 fifth14 fifty14 gifts9 glift9 graft9 grift9 hafts11 hefte11 hefts11 hefty14 iftar8 kofta12 kraft12 lefte8 lefts8 lefty11 lifts8 lofts8 lofty11 mifty13 mufti10 nifty11 often8 ofter8 rafts8 rifte8 rifts8 rifty11 scuft10 shaft11 shift11 sifts8 snift8 softa8 softs8 softy11 swift11 theft11 thoft11 tifts8 tofts8 tufts8 tufty11 wafts11 waift11 wefte11 wefts11 wheft14 whift14 wifty14 yufts11 adrift10 afters9 aftosa9 begift12 bereft11 biftah14 bifter11 Show more ...
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