Daws is valid Scrabble Word

Is daws a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is daws valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DAWS in dictionary:

Words related to DAWS

daw7 dawed10 dawen9 dawing11

Words that contain DAWS

adaws9 jackdaws25 dawsonite13 dawsonites14

How to use DAWS in a sentence

Similar words containing DAW without suffix s

daw7 adaw8 dawd9 dawk12 dawn8 dawt8 dawg9 adaws9 dawah12 dawds10 dawed10 dawen9 dawks13 dawns9 dawts9 dawgs10 adawed11 dawahs13 dawbry15 dawded12 dawdle11 dawing11 dawish13 dawned11 dawner10 dawney13 dawted11 dawtie10 adawing12 bedawin13 bradawl13 dawbake17 dawcock19 dawding13 dawdled13 dawdler12 dawdles12 dawners11 dawning12 dawties11 dawting12 hadaway17 jackdaw24 predawn13 bedawins14 bradawls14 dawbakes18 dawbries14 dawcocks20 dawdlers13 dawdling14 dawnered13 dawnings13 dawnlike16 foldaway18 godawful16 jackdaws25 predawns14 dawnering14 dawsonite13 foldaways19 standaway16 undawning14 dawdlings15 dawdlingly19 dawsonites14
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