Costlier is valid Scrabble Word

Is costlier a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is costlier valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for COSTLIER in dictionary:

Words related to COSTLIER

costliest11 costly11

Words that contain COSTLIER


How to use COSTLIER in a sentence

Similar words containing STLI without suffix er and without prefix co

eastlin7 westlin10 bustline10 bustling11 castling11 dustlike13 eastling9 eastlins8 hustling12 jostling16 justling16 mastlike14 mistling11 nestlike12 nestling9 pestling11 rustling9 vestlike15 westlins11 postlike14 beastlier11 beastlike15 bristlier11 bristling12 bustlines11 castlings12 coastline11 costliest11 eastlings10 epistling12 firstling13 frostlike16 frostline12 ghastlier13 ghostlier13 ghostlike17 gristlier10 hustlings13 jostlings17 nestlings10 rustlings10 thistlier12 waistline12 warstling13 whistling16 wrastling13 wrestling13 yeastlike16 crustlike15 beastliest12 bristliest12 bustlingly16 coastlines12 costliness12 firstlings14 frostlines13 ghastliest14 ghostliest14 gristliest11 postliminy17 priestlier12 priestlike16 priestling13 rustlingly14 thistliest13 uncostlier12 waistlines13 whistlings17 wrestlings14 beastliness13 bristliness13 ghastliness15 ghostliness15 gristliness12 outhustling15 postliminia15 priestliest13 priestlings14 uncostliest13 unghostlier15 whistlingly21 costlinesses14 outwrestling16 postliminary19 postliminies16 postliminium18 postliminous16 postliterate14 priestliness14 unartistlike16 unghostliest16 unpriestlier14 beastlinesses15 bristlinesses15 ghastlinesses17 ghostlinesses17 gristlinesses14 overwrestling20 postliminiary20 postliminious17 Show more ...
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